" The car wreck "

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" C.J. , GET THE FUCK UP " she screamed as tears rolled down her face "BITCH GET THE FUCK UP " . I hurry to get up thinking to myself, she always fucking trippen. I cleaned this whole fucking house what the fuck she want now . Trying my best to look at her without her noticing , I see tears streaming down her face. " WE DONT

We get to the car and it's two police cars waiting in front of our house . " Mama what happened "? She looked at me and said " Baby sit back put on your seat belt " . Hours later I wake up to her screaming again tears falling harder than they did before  " BITCH!! WAKE YO UGLY ASS UP " . Im laughing because she got on a bonnet , a big ass t-shirt ,and some ugly ass house shoes but she called me ugly . We get inside the hospital she goes to the desk and says my girlfriend name.I get fidgety because I'm nervous , why would Diamond be here ?

We got to the room and the Doctor the City Marshal and the Nurse are standing outside the room talking . My mama went in first and came out and walked the other direction I could tell she was crying and trying to hide her face . I went in to see what's the big deal. Laying in the bed was the love of my life barely breathing . Her left foot was sawed off , three of her ribs were broken, she had a gash from the top of her head to her top lip and she bit a hole in her bottom lip . I fell to the floor beside her bed . I couldn't believe what I was seeing .

My heart broke instantly tears rolled down my face .

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