Chapter 10 - Forty-Second, Meet The Bomb Squad

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It was morning, the sun had yet to peek over the horizon and she was up and ready to go, ready to meet the squad her's was to help. She wasn't nervous really, not nearly as much as she thought she'd be. Maybe it was because she couldn't be, maybe it was that she was colder from trying so hard to block out the pain. She didn't know why but she had little time to think on it as she heard her name being called, time to go.

She noticed the group of four long before she was within ear shot and she was less than impressed by them. They were scrawny looking at best but she was not here to judge them, only to help them so she greeted them kindly because she was taught to be respectful. She went on talking to Sargent Browne while the four chattered nearby,

"She totally has a parent who's in the service or served before, I mean look at her she screams confidence!" The man with dusty blonde hair and a nervous smile whispered to his buddy.

"You mean you don't know? She does, Lieutenant General Jacob Cameron served during the second war." he mumbled while his two other companions simply listened in.

"Your troop ready?" She stepped up with the Sargent by her side and they all nodded, she stuck her hand out towards the Commander who graciously shook it with a smile on his face.

"Yes, ma'am" she couldn't help but grin but she did not respond because her troop came walking up about that time and she turned to them, grin fading.

"I don't remember asking you to come whenever you felt like it, If i recall correctly I told you lot we'd be leaving tomorrow and that means be ready before the sun rises" she scolded her late group to which they said nothing. If they were lucky she'd be in a better mood when they got back to camp after this.

With introductions done they made their way towards the large armory tent, this was where they would stock up on ammo and weaponry. Well, in her case, spend the majority of your day sifting through endless numbers and boxes. They were handed weapons, given proper tools for un-arming bombs before being told that the rest was already being loaded on the trucks.

"You guys are terribly scrawny, no wonder we have to help!" Zack rested his semi-auto on his shoulder lazily as they walked in step behind the Commanders. Carl elbowed him in the side harshly,

"Stop talking, your mouth is going to make us have to do extra work when we get back to camp later!" Lucy grumbled out before Carl could say anything.

"My troops in the left, his to the right! Hurry up, we don't have all day to do this! We need to be in and out without making a mess of us or the landscape" she had stopped and turned to face a surprised group walking steady behind her. They scrambled to the proper vehicle,

"We will report back if anything happens while we're out there" she said turning her back to her Sargent and stepping into the drivers seat of the truck. With a turn of the key it roared to life,

"You don't have to be so mean you know" Zack whispered crossing his arms as best he could in his bulky outfit.

"I told you I am no friend when we are out here, you were told to be ready for any order I give and that is that. Now stop complaining, you are a soldier, not a baby" Carl snickered earning a harsh glare from Zack but it didn't matter to Carl who shrugged it off easily.

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