Chapter 12 - Prisoners Of War

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"Bindings need to go first. . ." she looked around and noticed that there were indeed many things she could use to cut away the bindings and began to wiggle her way up the wall she was thrown against.

"Ouch" she grumbled as her elbows scraped against concrete and tore open leaving bloody wounds behind. No sooner than she stood, she fell back down on her bottom grumbling incoherent words of anguish as she sat there trying to regain herself.

"You alright?" Carl was obviously worried about his fiance, worried about her well-being above his own even though he fair'd no better. He was beaten up and sore, dry bloodied lip to prove it. Melissa and Lucy were huddled together while Zack sat defeated with a swollen face nearby, they were all rather beat up and none seemed too concerned for themselves only their comrade.

"I'm as fine as the situation allows for, now hush before you draw too much attention" she said in a harsh whisper as she wiggled up the wall again. She was determined to get to her destination and to get these ropes off of her hands with or without the help of the others. She wasn't going to get there, however, she was interrupted as she finally made it to her feet.

"Get in and shut up!" one man growled harshly at another who was thrown into a cell next to them, he was an american soldier she could tell by the way he looked and the familiar army pants he wore. The wall she was leaning against was opposite the bars that separated the cells and the doors were to her left.

"Which one of you is the leader?" no one spoke "come on, tell me before I just shoot you all where you stand!" he was harsh, his eyes were narrowed and he stepped forwards.

"I am" she said quickly as she noticed Carl about to say the same thing, she was not going to let him take up her responsibility. He grabbed her, the man she responded to, and roughly pulled her along with him to another room.

"This is all your goddamn fault!" Carl snapped at Zack who responded only with a grunt because his cheek was still swollen but going down slightly as each hour passed.

"Don't ignore me!" Carl would have grabbed him up, maybe even punched him had Lucy's small voice hadn't stopped him.

"Don'd do this, we need to focus on getting out of here not fighting with one another." Carl's narrowed eyes burrowed into her skin and she felt uneasy while he stared at her.

"Yes, I know that but that doesn't change the fact that if you two had hurried the hell up we wouldn't be here right now!" he was understandably upset but yelling was clearly getting him nowhere and so he fumed against the wall he had been before he jerked forwards to argue with them.

"Little girl's right, ya know" the soldier that sat in the other cell chided Carl for his outburst but it fell on deaf ears.

"What do you know, clearly you haven't tried very hard to get out of your situation have you?" Carl snapped, he was not usually like this but then again he wasn't usually thrown in cells after being beaten and tied up.

"Don't trash talk me, Boy, you need to grow a pair and man up!" the soldier growled gripping the bars until his knuckles turned white and he was panting angrily.

"Would the two of you shut up! I mean would you listen to yourselves, you two are acting like children and it's not helping you or her or anyone else." Melissa wiggled free from her bindings but not without so serious rope burns and a good bit of pain. She proceeded to help the others out of their bindings without a word more being spoken.

"If you just told us what you were doing out there then we wouldn't have to beat your pretty little face!" she had never hated anyone as much as she hated these men but she wasn't going to let them break her because clearly her team needed some work with that.

"I won't talk" she spit out some blood that had pooled in the back of her throat before the stinging to her cheek returned.

"Maybe one of the others will talk, take her back to the cell!" the man that leaned casually against the back wall, who was obviously the one calling the shots, shouted and she was pulled roughly up and out of the room. She couldn't even recall what the room looked like, how long she was in there or even how bad she hurt right now.

She was tossed into the cell on top of Carl who held onto her tightly, they grabbed Melissa and yanked her out next. He felt the knot in his throat tighten and he was unable to speak,

"I've looked worse, don't worry just please don't tell them anything." she whispered leaning into his chest trying hard to mask the pain she felt. He ripped up a cloth that sat on a shelf nearby and cleaned her wounds as best he could with it, he was a quiet as a mouse while he did so. She knew that none of these men could know what they were up to or where the base camp was or they were screwed.

"Lucy? Zack?" they offered a noise as a response "do not say a word to them, I don't care what pain you have to endure to keep your mouths shut you will endure it. Do you two understand?" they nodded "I said do you understand? You can't give me these pitiful little head nods and noises you tell me yes or no because we are not in camp anymore and that won't work here!" she snapped, immediately regretting it because it opened the wound on her cheek again.

"Yes, ma'am!" they both said, it was softly but it was clear and she took it as good enough.

"Now, we need to figure out how to get out of here and quickly" she leaned against the wall next to Carl.

"I think I can help you with that, Ma'am" the soldier that yelled at Carl before was now sitting with his back against the wall on the opposite side of his cell with his arms crossed and head back resting slightly against the concrete.

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