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~authors note~ the events in this story are not true but are based off of real events. depression is a very serious problem, i know from experience. any way, enjoy...


             I have forgotten where i am. Its too bright to be hell, but i've done nothing to go to heaven. Is it possible that I'm still alive? Cant be, but as I awaken from my eternal slumber and regain conciousness, i see faces of doctors, family, and my old friends. Grabbing hold of reality, i come to see that my plans have failed and before i knew it, the world went black again...

~6 monthes earlier~

            16. I thought i would feel older, maybe more like an adult. But with it being my first day of sophmore year, i feel anything but old. My social status is great, for any grade, so you could say school is awesome. Most girls, even seniors, envied me. I'm involved in every from debate, to the varsity soccer team, so that means lots of "friends" from all the cliques. Only little do they know, thats all a masquerade. My home life is hell.

         With my dad living across the state, i spend alot of time with my mother. When i little she was my hero, hence why i pleaded for her in court. But ever since my sister died, things have gotten bad. Very, VERY bad. 

        One last check check in my mirror: platnum blonde  hair straightened, makeup set to make my dull, gray eyes pop, and designer jeans and a t-shirt to show off my average sized curves. Look good outside, feel bad inside, but i'm presentable to my followers. Rushing downstairs to sneak past my passed out mother and to meet a note on the fridge saying we're yet again out of food. If Alice hurrys, we could probably grab something from starbucks.

          As if right on cue, i get a text saying,"Come on sleepy head lets go! -Alice"

 laughing silently i grab my book bag and coach purse and head out the door. Bring on the day world. 


     Pulling into the school parking lot we're greeted by our other best friend Sophie. Her distinct squeels can be heard from a mile away. Sophie is gorgeous, unlike me. Her naturally curly, black hair shines like a pearl, and goes down to the middle of her back. Thanks to her hispanic origin, she has perfect tanned skin and an incredible body. like Sofie, Alice too, is stunningly beautiful. I secretly envied them.

       "Ohmigod! Kat! Happy birthday chica! You guys look sooo smokin'! damn kitty kat, I forgot how freaking gorgeous you are!", she yells as she runs toward me.

         Before I knew it I was caught in a tight embrace. I look over Sophies shoulder and see that all the rest of the girls in our group, who were just flirting with some varsity jocks, realized what sophie has been squeeling about. I was bombarded with hugs, happy birthdays, gossip, and a few gifts. Probably the only gifts I'll be getting.

             The whole birthday shabang goes on for about another 10 minutes before the group migrates to the gym where every one finally seperates. jeez you would think these girls were glued to each other.

             I started reading my schedule:

1: Physics. Mr. Walters

2:Pre-calculus. Mrs. Lambert

3:English. Mr. Ramirez

4:Senior Soc. Mrs. Whitman

5: P.E. Mr. Anderson

6: Photography. Mrs. Larson

yeah i take alot of senior classes, but if i graduate early, i get to finally escape this hell hole.

         Lost in my schedule, I bump into something really hard. I look up to see its actually Nolan Wilson, the captain of the football team. He seemed pretty pissed at first but when he looked down at me, he flashed an award winning smile and said,"oh, sorry i wasn't looking where i was going."

              He's cocky, but very attractive. I can pull this off. batting my eyelashes, I smile and respond,"its cool, see you around."

           As I walk strut away I can feel his eyes checking out ass. Cocky bastard.


           I get to first just as the bell rings. Great, now im stuck with some freak for a lab partner. I take a seat in the only open spot. The guy next to me is pretty cute. Not as good looking as Nolan,  but they're a pretty fair fight. His messy black is partially covered by a baggy, red beanie, his slightly tanned skin make his incredible mint green eyes stand out, and his loose black shirt shows off his medium sized biceps and potential abs.

          "Okay class, since today is the first day of school, I'd like you to get to know your lab partner." Mr. Walters bellows in a monotone voice.

           I turn, stick my hand out, and say in a perky voice,"Hey. I'm Kat Lewis."

      He glances over, and shakes my hand briefly,"Alex". He had a very nice voice, almost as if  he were a singer.

        We spent the rest of the period talking to our lab partners (although I did most of the talking). I tried my best to be friendly all period, but when the bell rang I was glad that I no longer had to pretend to like this guy. As I was packing my bag to go to my next class, Alex bent over and whispered in my ear,"you know, you arent fooling anyone"

            All day I was trying to figure out what he meant by that. After searching all day to confront this prick, I managed to find him after school walking to the buses. With my bitch mode on, I was about to call out his name, when a familiar voice yelled,"Katie come on and get in the car! I' ve got shit to do!"

                 I stop dead in my tracks, turn around slowly, and see the queen of my hell.... I see, leaned against her shitty car with a cigarette hanging from her lips; my hungover mother.


Not alot goin on in this chapter:/ But be patient! It gets better! Sorry for any and all grammer and spelling mistakes. Please comment and vote and hopefully I'll be able to update in a few days!;D

-Blu Demonte

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