Day after. Day before.

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              School the next day was hell. I had the worst frigging migraine. Not sure whether it was because of the pills, the box of wine, or the teeth rattling my mother gave me. That slap actually left a bruise. Hey, it makes you prettier. I have no idea what that voice was, let alone where it came from. Whatever it was, I was hoping it would go away with the hangover.

              Lost in my own world, I didnt even notice who was transfered into my pre-calculus class. I couldnt see his face, but the girls swooning from the girls explained it all.

            "Well, Mr. Wilson, you can take your things and sit next to Kat over there", the teacher says as she points over to me.

        The rest of the girls in class send me envious looks and glares. Yeah, right. Like you guys had a chance against me in the first place. Nolan recognized me right off the bat and flashed me his movie star smile. Part of me disgusted, but, most of me intrigued, I smile right back and wink. Jeez desperate much? Before we can flirt more, the lesson begins.


          In the middle of class, a scrap of folded paper lands on my desk. I opened it up and read, 'you busy tomorrow night?'

        Possibly, why?

           'Huge party at Eli's place. Seniors only. plus a few. wanna come?'

       Did he think I was senior? or was I the plus few? Sofie and Alice are probably invited. I scribble down, I'll try to make to make it to your little party, if i don't have something better to do. play it cool, right?

                His cocky smirk said it all, maybe I shouldn't go. Show him who rules this game. He won't miss you. Escape from satan. The bell rings and i head out.


             In photography I noticee a certain green eyed boy across the room, Alex. I guess I was so pissed off yesterday to even notice him. Now's my chance, call him out on his bullshit. I walk over to his table, plop myself next to him, and before giving him a piece of my mind, I notice his amazing photos, and his perfect bone structure, and his amazing body...

        "What's up barbie?" his rude remark snaps me out of my trance.

          Annoyed, I just get straight to the point,"what did you mean 'Im not fooling anyone?"

      He does a small, quick half-smile. For some reason reason it makes my face blush and my hands get sweaty. "You try to pretend you're all happy and perfect all the time. I know you have issues in your life."

        Does he know? I almost lose it, "you don't know a damn thing about me!" I'm practically yelling, drawing attention from everyone.

        He laughes in response, "cool your jets princess, I never said I did. Everyone has problems." His voice has a hint of sarcasm, but his eyes are calming and reassuring.

          Maybe he's not such a dick. Sure, and maybe you aren't a freak. Blocking out that annoying voice I try to distract myself... I take notice to his shirt, 'Bring Me The Horizon, Warped Tour'. "I like your shirt, they're one of my favorite bands."

        His eyes shoot down to his shirt then back to me in confusion. "You know the band?! I'd think you were a 'beleiber'. "

       I hate assumptions, almost as much as I hate Justin Beiber. "I know them. I like the song Suicide Season." his eyebrows pop up, "kind of sad don't you think? lemme guess, it reminds you of your dead puppy?"

     Anger and pain began coursing through me, what the fuck dude, I thought you didnt assume. "actually it reminds me of my dead sister." His eyes go from taunting to regretful, "Shit, I..I'm sorry! I...I didn't know. I'm really sorry!" He grabs my hand in desperation and it gives me shivers, "I'm really sorry, wh...what happened to her?"

         It's been awhile since someone asked about my sister. Most people have just stopped caring or forgot. Thinking about her makes me hate myself and everyone that ever hurt her. with my hands shaking I begin the story... "She was in a drunk driving accident.. it wasnt her fault. Just some... drunk. she wasn't dead when the car first hit her, she called the paramedics, but by the time they got her out she was dead. Never found the other driver. Hit and run." I manage to get it all out without choking on tears. I hate lying about it, but he hasn't earned the truth about her death...

       He just sits there silent, staring at me. Those incredible green eyes full of guilt and pity. the bell rings and I head out the door. As I walk out to the parking lot, when i feel a strong hand grab my arm and spin me around. i meet his gaze, "Sorry for being such a douche yesterday, I didn't know" he proclaims. I don't need his pity, "whatever" I spit back.

           Alice is sitting in her car, jaw-dropped and eyes wide. "Who was that hottie?!" Her flirty grin sends waves of jelousy through me. "Alex? Just a guy I have first and six with." Her smile somehow manages to get even bigger, "dang Kat two guys in one day? I don't know how you do it." I arch my eye brows in confusion. "Come on Kat, everyone knows that Nolan Wilson is taking you to Eli's party. And lucky for you Sofie and I have been invited too" she says with a wink.

        I forgot that Sofie and Alice's boyfriends, Eli and Brandon, are Nolans bestfriends. Maybe thats why he wants to date me. Best friend trio. "Come on, lets go get new outfits for the party." I suggest. Even though I'm excited for Eli's party, I wonder what Alex will be doing tomorrow night, maybe I should hang with him instead. I quickly drop that idea, its stupid. besides tomorrow will be great. Right?


Hey sorry this took so long, had a huge test last week and didn't have computer access. Wonder whats gonna happen at the party;). no edit so sorry for any all mistakes (theres probably alot) if you like, recomend to your follwers :)

~Blu Demonte

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