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Reus pov

I woke up in the morning. I smell a food from the kitchen so i walked to the kitchen. And then i saw kathrin make a pancake with maple sauce.

"Morning kathrin" i greet her and i smiled to her.

"Morning reus" she mouthed at me

And the i sat in the chair in the dining room and saw her made a pancake. She's so beautiful.

Not a long time she served a pancake and the we ate together.

"How's your sleep?" I asked to her

"Great" she mouthed at me.

I smiled to her. She's so beautiful she's so perfect. I think i fell in loved with her.

"Today i want to go to the doctor. Wanna come with me?" I asked her. She nodded her head and smiled at me. And the we continued our breakfast

Kathrin pov
To see a doctor? What happend with reus. I hope he would fine. I would asked him later. I went to my room (actually reus's room) to changed my clothes. But i remember i don't have a clothes. So i decided to wore this clothes again. I went to downstair and then i met reus.

"Why you not changed your clothes?" He asked me

I grabbed a paper and pencil and then i wrote some words.

"I dont have a clothes,don't mad at me' i gave it to him. And then i saw he's just smiled at me

'Oh yeah i remember,just wore that,you've looked so beautiful with those clothes. After i see my doctor we can go to the mall for shopping,okay? So we go now" he said to me

I hug him and kiss his checks and then i held his hand and we went to the his car.

In the car,nobody talked. I felt so bored so i decided to slept.

"Hi woke up we are here" i hear someone talked to me. And then i opened my eyes and i saw beautiful eyes.

"Sorry" i mouthed at him

"It's okay cmon let's go" he held my hand. When he held my hand I felt a butterfly in my stomach.

We walked to the inside and then we entered to the the room with white door.

When we went to inside i saw a Doctor. He is old but he is so friendly.

"Good morning mr reus" the doctor greeted reus

"Good morning doctor" he said to the doctor

"Wow who's the beautiful lady? Your girlfriend?" The doctor asked reus again

"No she's my friend,her name is kathrin" reus answered his question

I shake his hand and i sat in the chair next reus.

Reus pov

"So doctor how's the results?" I asked the doctor

And then i saw his expression changed with sad face.

"Uh i am sorry,but i think you can't play football again. your injury is severed. If you played football,you could lose your legs"

When i hear that,i felt so sad very very sad. I lost my career. I can't play football again. After hear that,I immediately left the room and cried a lot. I cried because i lost my career. I cried because i never felt to played football in the world cup. I cried because if i played football i can lost my legs. I felt so sad. I felt so terrible. I want to die i want to die. And then i go to the car and broke the glass and then i took a broken glass and then i thrust the glass into my veins.

When i want to do that,i felt a hand hold me and took a glass from me. And then i saw kathrin throw the glass to random place. And then she hug me so tight. I hug her too and i saw her face

"Why you cried?" I asked her

She just shake her head. And i hug her again

"I know it's because of me right?" She nodded her head

"Okay i am sorry i never do it again. I am so sorry. Forgive me please" i said to her and i kiss her forehead.

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