Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Monday September 2 2013

I walk down the school hallway and even without looking I know everybody's eyes are on me. I can hear people whispering about me, gossiping about me. I stare straight ahead ignoring the snickers the pointed fingers I pull out my phone and pretend to check it although I know I have no knew messages no one would text me. I change my bag to the other shoulder just to have something to do. I walk up to a huge bulletin board with home rooms posted on it. The crowd around the board parts, and not the good kind where everyone is moving to be nice. I almost duck my head but realize it is already down. I brush my hair to form a curtain, hoping maybe that it will make me invisible.

"Hey Liz when's the next party?" someone mocks and everyone laughs along. Their snickers are cruel and I can't believe that I used to be friends with them. I can remember how I used to be really close with a lot of those people but now they wouldn't even consider talking to me. I think about saying a snappy comeback but I can't think of anything and I'm close to tears that even if I tried to say something my voice would give me away so I just search for my name on the lists. As soon as I find it I turn around as quickly as I can and push my way back through the crowd.

Before I know it someone has pushed me and I trip over another person's foot that is sticking out. I sprawl on the floor my bag spilling open and my books fly over the ground. A chorus of laughter fills the crowd. Someone grabs one of my books and throws it to someone else. Soon all my books are in a giant game of keep away. As I try to reach for one book it is thrown to a new person. I stamp my foot in frustration as I realize that getting my books back is pretty pointless. I stop jumping for the books and stand in the center of the crowd turning around watching all the faces of people laughing and joking but as soon as they make eye contact with any of the people their laughs and smiles turn to glares and smirks.

The first bell rings and people finally stop throwing my books and move toward their first classes. I end up having to pick up my books off the ground where people have dropped them. The crowd is already half as empty and I know I need to get to class but I can't even fathom the thought of being stuck in a room with all these people. All the people who made life a living hell, well actually they never used to make life a living hell they were just starting to make my life hell.

I walk to the bathroom and when I look in the mirror I barely recognize myself. My face is pale; my veins are dark blue and sticking out of my skin. I have dark circles under my eyes that makeup doesn't cover and my eyes are gaunt and have a red ring around them. I look so frail scared and alone. I was never like this before, the transformation that happened to me over a few weeks is crazy, I never thought that this would happen to me I had always had friends and they always seemed so nice. I never thought people could turn on me this easily.

I take a deep breath only eight more hours I tell myself and then I can leave. I'm about to leave when I'm overcome with nausea I run to a stall and heave into a toilet. There is nothing in my stomach though, I haven't eaten anything but still my body tries to reject anything I might have in my stomach.

"Are you okay?" someone asks.

Surprised that someone even dares to talk to me I turn around. A petite girl stands at the door she has curly blonde hair that shapes her heart face. Her green eyes are huge and look at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" she asks again after I don't answer. I don't understand why she is talking to me, I am completely speechless and I'm pretty sure my mouth is hanging open in shock.

"I'm just having the worst day ever," I say forcing myself to stand up as I recover from the shock. I wonder if she is just being nice so she can later make fun of me. Maybe she is just playing some sick prank on me.

"Do you need Advil or something?" She asks, I try to place he face but I don't think I've ever seen her before. Maybe she is new, at least one person here wouldn't know who I am.

"Thanks," I say as she hands me a pill. "Are you new here?"

"Yeah I am just moved here last week," she says. I sigh in relic realizing that there is no possible way she could know anything.

"Moving was crazy I mean, I'm barely unpacked and I'm already off to school. I actually had to go out and but this last night because I couldn't find any of my other clothes." she says.

"Wow that must suck, moving I mean and not having any of your stuff." I say. I have nevertheless in my life I was born and raised in the same house so I couldn't imagine being shipped off to some other random place.

"Why did you move?" I ask.

"My dads job we move a lot so I'm pretty used to it and every time we move my dad feel really bad and do all this nice stuff to try and make up for moving. I really love it though, seeing the world moving all the time. Its a great way to make sure you only have the necessities. Sorry I'm rambling."

" No it's fine this is the longest conversation I've had with someone other than my dad in weeks," sadly its true. Even my mom can tell something is wrong and doesn't talk to me too much thinking I need my space or something. My dad hasn't really noticed a change he still takes me out for daddy daughter dinner every Wednesday night so we talk about a lot. Well actually I mostly ask him questions and divert the attention from myself.

"I'm trinity." she holds out her hand. "I should have said that before," she laughs a little and I can't help but lift the corners of my mouth in a half smile. This is the closest I've been to smiling since it happened so I take it as a good sign.

"Liz," I shake her hand. It feels like a business deal and I shake my head to rid the thoughts of. Any deals I made. No this isn't like a deal not at all. It's an introduction. Not a deal.

"So what home room are you?" she asks. Pulling out her schedule to look at it. Her brow furrows a little as the drags her finger along the paper looking for something.

"34B, you ?" I ask having the number memorized. I only know it because I was making sure I didn't make a fool out of myself and go to the wrong room.

"26A it's too bad, but maybe we will have a class together." she smiles it's so weird for someone to be nice to me. I try to smile back but it probably looks more like a grimace.

"Yah maybe," I say. I hope not though she is someone who is genuinely nice to me and if people see us together they will tell her what happened.

"We should hang out sometime listen class is about to start but... text Me." she hands me a phone number, "see you around," and just like that she's gone. I decide I should probably get to class too. I run down the hall and slide into an empty desk just as the last bell rings I pull out the small slip of paper.

Trinity Bellno

(578) 233-1786

I look at her handwriting, its neat and pretty and looks exactly like the way she acts. That font that you would expect the popular valedictorian to have. I stuff the note back into my bag wondering if I will actually ever use it. Maybe the best thing is for her to have a good image of me and never hear from me again.  The best thing is to just let her have a good image of me, or bad seeing as she caught me puking my guts up and crying. so I push the note further down in my bag and decide that i wont call her.

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