Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

My last class of the day is psychology. It’s one of those options that is only offered to seniors because it’s pretty much a blow off class. The teacher, Mr. Haynes, is old and has given up teaching the curriculum so he just lets you do whatever you want in his class. He does have some things planned but once you finish his daily activity he just lets you catch up on missed work or talk with our friends. He’s really cool for an old guy and the students actually respect his which is why he can get away with his “teaching”.

I walk into the classroom to see couches scattered all over the room around small tables. There is not a desk to be seen in the room. I’m about to head to the back of the room when Mr. Haynes appears and stops me.

“No sitting yet,” he says. “We are going to have some fun today!” he claps his hands together and rubs them like an evil villain. I nod my head and go to stand in a corner where people won’t see me. The class starts to fill up and people stand around talking with their friends. I get a few glares thrown my way but for the most part people just ignore me.

I grab my phone out and start scrolling through the screens pretending I’m texting someone and not just standing alone in the corner. I’m distracted from my phone by familiar high pitched laughing. I look up to see Hannah and Krista entering the class. Last year when we registered for classes we had tried to all get into the same psychology class and apparently it had worked because we were all in this one. They haven’t seen me yet and I shrink into the corner even more hoping the floor will just swallow me. I go back to pretending to text as the second bel rings.

“Alright-y class,” Mr. Haynes says clapping his hands together. “I know you’re all very excited for the new school year,” he says with sarcasm dripping from his voice which gets a few laughs from everyone. “Fortunately for you, you are stuck with me, which means as you have probably heard, this will be a very easy class. All I ask is that you participate in our daily activity.”

He looks around the class to see every eye trained on him. It’s amazing he has everyone’s attention since it’s the last block of the first day of school.

“Alright, we are going to do some trust circles today,” he says. “now I know you all want to be with your friends but I decided we will do something more interesting and pull names from a hat!” he brings a giant top hat from behind his back and holds it up to show the class. “Alright-y let’s get started shall we?”

He pulls names from a hat and directs people to sit at certain tables. There are only five tables in this room and at least thirty students so there are six or seven kids per table.

“Our next group will be,” he makes a big production of pulling a name out of his hat. “Hannah, Krista,” he pauses to reach into his hat and make a big show of mixing the names while Hannah and Krista go to their table getting envious looks from everyone else in the room. It’s lucky that two best friends would be put in the same group. “Okie-dokie, I have more names for that group, Trinity, Maxwell and Dexter,” he says and three more people head to the table. Hannah looks very happy that Dexter is in her group and slides over so he can sit beside her before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. Her eyes are trained on me while she does this and I know it’s only for my benefit.

“And finally the last member of the group,” he says, and I pray that it won’t be my named pulled. Unfortunately the fate are not on my side because he reads the slip of paper and exclaims “Elizabeth!”

I duck my head and make my way to the table where my ex-best friends are sitting. I choose the spot on one of the couches by the only person at the table I don’t know. This is going to be hell I tell myself. I can’t believe I got chosen.

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