Draco's Plan

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Draco P.O.V:

I stood there in stunned silence, remembering the feeling of her small but strong hand in mine. It was like nothing I had ever known before. In those last moments I was less in control of my feelings than ever before, and I loved her for it. She was strong and confident, unshakable and amazing, and she knew it. I had to have her, but how? Then I had an idea, a very, very bad idea, but it was the only thing I could think of.

Amara P.O.V:

I walked into the Great Hall the next morning with absolutely no idea why I had done what I had done. Now all I wanted was to be around him, even if I had to pretend to hate him, more. I sat down at the table completely lost in thought, but something Harry said snapped me out of my confusion.

"Gosh Malfoy is such a player, look at him over there, snogging fricking Pansy. Ugh."

I twisted my head around and sure enough, there sat Pansy, practically engulfing Draco's face. That was the least of my worries right now though, for I was so flamed on jealousy I stood up right there and said to the trio:

"I'll be right back, haven't seen Jason in a while have I?" Then I ran over to the Ravenclaw table and found my guy, I jumped into his arms and kissed him, hoping Draco saw.

Sure enough, I heard a ugly squeal from behind me and suddenly someone was tapping on my shoulder angrily. I gave Jason an apology filled look and walked out of the Great Hall. Malfoy stormed into an abandoned corridor, turned to face me and yelled:

"How could you do that, after what we had! You think it's ok to just go snogging someone else!"

My anger flared and I shouted back at him:

"Maybe you should have thought about that before YOU went snogging little miss Pansy over there! I was just retaliating! What were you expecting me to just fall into your arms?!"

"MAYBE I WAS!!! MAYBE THAT WAS ME TRYING TO GET YOU!!" Malfoy yelled, then caught himself. I stopped and looked at him.

"Maybe you should try a different tactic next time" I whispered carefully. Then once again I walked away, leaving him stunned behind me.


I lay in bed that night, sleep still not coming to me, thinking about my conversation with Draco. I knew I had feelings for him, I just needed to confirm them, but even then, I could never actually be with him, my best friends were the Golden Trio for God sakes, and I have a boyfriend! I ripped off my blanket and decided to go for a walk. I walked out of the Fat Lady's portrait.

"You darn kids! Waking me up in the middle of the night! Just take a sleeping potion and leave me alone!" She grumbled at me as I passed.

I laughed and walked down the corridor, heading up towards the astronomy tower. As I reached the stone pillars again I noticed somebody was already there, leaning out one of the many open sides. It was Malfoy. I went to sit beside him and he turned, he looked bad. Dark circles under his eyes and what looked like a permanent frown. I hadn't noticed it before in the dark corridors, but in the moonlight his whole face showed. I  got an idea just then, I could test my theory with no one ever knowing, and prove my point to Draco.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.


"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you, but let me just say, you being here makes everything better.." He whispered and I felt much warmer inside. Now was the time. I leaned in to him and tenderly kissed his lips. It was fire, my whole body warmed, by blood pumped faster, my mind reeled. I had intended to pull away after testing out our chemistry but couldn't. Our kiss deepened and he wrapped his arms around me, I melted. Before too long, however, I came to my senses and remembered my plan. I pulled away from him, shivering at the sudden cold.

"That was for you. This is for Pansy." I slapped him and pushed him away. "I'm still angry, but I had to see what we had, make it up to me and I might just give you a chance." Then I walked away from a stunned Draco for the third time in my life, wondering why this had to happen to me.

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