The Date

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I woke up feeling quite happy which is strange and I also had this weird urge to smile!
No way!
I stepped out of my bed got dressed and picked one book.
"Goodmorning Raven"Robin said as I came into the kitchen.
"Oh umm yes the goodmorning friend Raven"Starfire said nervous as she cooked.
I knew something was wrong when she said that but I just ignored it.
"Hey Rave wanna play video-"Cyborg was cut of by me.
"No!"I said in a high tone.
"Never mind"He said with big eyes and kept playing as I kept reading.
But I wasn't surprised I saw a mosquito flying around me,a green one!
"Beast Boy!"I yelled and he turned into his human form.
"Hey sorry mama what'cha reading?"Beast Boy giggled
With my powers I made a hand picked him up and placed him far from me.
"But mama!"He yelled when it took him away.
"Don't call me mama" I yelled
And then I remembered the date.
When I was eating I couldn't be calm what would I do in our date.
Later I forgot and kept reading my book until...
"Raven can you come help me with the important situation please?"Starfire asked
"Ok"I said in my monotone voice reading my book and then I stood up and followed the alien princess.
-Beast Boy-
"Oh I'm so nervous should I?"I talked to my self walking around my bedroom.
I put a nice tie and Starfire got me a rose to give Raven.
I tried to keep calm and when I finally did Starfire came in with Raven.
"Umm hey Rae I mean Raven this is for you"I said nervous as I was giving her the rose.
"Umm thanks"Raven blushed and picked the rose.
She kept looking at it like if it was the most wonderful thing anyone has ever given her which I was proud!
"I will go feed the Silkie now"Starfire said
Starfire came closer to Raven and whispered to her ear:
-"I am the happy for you.You have never looked so adorable!"
Then Starfire left to her bedroom.
"Do you wanna get going?"I ask her smiling nervously.
"Sure"She said in a monotone
"Great"I grab her arm and run to the the pizzeria.

~At the date~

"Beast Boy did you shower?!?!"Raven says shocked
"Umm yes"I say scratching the back of my head smiling at her.
"Wow that explains-"Raven was cut of by me
"Why I smell amazing"I exclaim
"Umm yes I think"Raven blushes and looks away.
I can't keep my eyes of her she is so beautiful.
"Here's your pizza"The waiter says and places the pizza in the table.
"Thanks"Raven says.
The waiter walks away and we start eating the pizza.
"Umm Beast Boy why do you keep trying?"Raven asks
"Trying what?"I had no idea what she was talking about but I knew it was important.
"To impress me,when you know I have a dark side"Raven said with a big frown on her face.
She was trying not to look at me at the eye
"Raven everyone has a dark side and a bright side.I know you have a bright side Rae"I held her hand and she turned around and looked at me.
"Look Beast Boy you know me and if you knew me well you wouldn't like me"Raven put a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"I do know you and I like you.
You do have a bright side I know it"I said but Raven looked at me with big eyes.
"Then what's the bright side of me?"Raven had tears in her eyes.
I looked surprised at her question but I managed to answer it.
"Don't you see you fight criminals,you have a home,you have love and you have us if it wasn't for that bright side you have this would never happen"I explained but she just closed her eyes and a tear fell down her cheek.I knew something was wrong,but what?
"Raven I think it's best if we go back home"I said and left with her by my side.
When we arrived we where lucky no one was in the living room.
Raven and I went to my room.
I picked my dinasour figures and she brought her pretty pretty pegasus figures.
We just played along.
Until Raven yawned.
"Goodnight Beast Boy I'm going to my room."She said rubbing her eyes.
"Goodnight Rae!"I exclaimed
She left the room.
And I thought to myself
Beast Boy says I have a bright side but he just doesn't know me.
Although it was fun playing with our figures and the date but I feel dizzy.
It's better if I meditate a bit.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos"I repeated when I was meditating.
Later something came it was Trigon.
"What are you doing here?!?!"I yelled
"Nothing of your importance my daughter I only have one thing to tell you"Trigon said
"Nooo I don't need your words!"I yelled
I fell in the floor
There was lava and fire everywhere.
"You will marry a demon not a Titan"He said and the fire grew bigger.
"You are not the boss of me I decide my own destiny.I decide my paths.You decide nothing."I yelled and got up.
I felt weak.
"My message has been sent"He said and it all disappeared.
I rises up from the floor and yelled.
I hope nobody heard me.
"Raven we heard yelling are you ok?"Robin knocked on my bedroom door.
"Yes I'm fine"I reassured him
"Umm ok call us if you need us"Robin said and he left.
I went to my bed trying to sleep.
All those thoughts about my father Trigon wanting me to marry a demon passed threw my head and they didn't let me sleep.
I won't tell anyone about this.
This is my problem and I will keep them out of it so they don't get hurt.
But how can I be free with my father trying to control me?!?!

Dear readers:
Hi I'm so glad I finished this chapter!
Please comment,follow,vote and keep on reading please.
The next chapter in not sure when I will publish it maybe next week.
Anyway I hope you are enjoying my book!!!
P.S. I love when the people comment so please comment!!!
~Natalia J.

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