A new purpose

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''Mhm...Are you still here stranger?'' I asked, wondering where the unknown being was.

''Indeed, I am'' Responded the stranger

''Why have you showed me this horrible sight? Have I done something to you?''

Silence took over the room. What was going on? Have I struck a sensible point? Maybe that person was related to the family I just kill two days ago. Something was then crushing my chest. I could feel it. The stranger was standing on me, the cold from their naked feet, against my chest was more harsh than the weight.

''To me, you have done nothing. I own you, as I said.'' followed a giggle.

They owned me? What does it mean. I don't understand.

''I know you don't understand, that is why I came here''

The weight on my chest disappeared. That person was playing with me. I hated it so much. I couldn't move and they could do what they wanted. I felt so useless, like that day.

''You are no more the man you used to be''

''What does it mean? I feel the same...''

''And that instant blood lust? I don't think a great Golden Knight would have those feelings.'' Another giggle, that person was mocking me.

I stayed silent. The stranger sighed and started to unwrap my face. They were standing there. A young looking woman. with a pale purplish skin. Her hair was dark as the abyss. Her eyes, staring at me like I was some kind of old carpet. She jumped back on my chest, crushing it more than before. Yet still, her cold skin was hurting me more than the weight.

''What are you?...'' I whispered, my breath slowly being taken away.

''Nothing, I am nothing. Same as you, we are together, part of this void of nothingness.''

''Nothing is not an answer! Don't take me for an imbecile!'' I yelled

She proceeded to crush my chest more, she seemed annoyed by me and my question. But I had to know more.

''Nothing is the perfect answer. You and I are not supposed to exist. We are only shadows of humans who used to live.'' She said grinning, revealing a breath-taking sight. Large sharp teeth. She was the monster here. It was not me.

''Shadow of humans who used to live?...'' Even though, I wanted to shut up, try not to annoy this creature, I had to ask more questions. She seemed to know too much for me not to ask.

She softly jumped back on the floor before heading toward the window. She stayed there, staring outside. After a minute she opened the window and her black dress was floating in the incoming wind. She remained silent.

''I see that you don't want to answer my questions anymore, but...if we are nothing, how can you own me?'' I asked her. I wanted to know why she kept saying I was hers.

''There is no explanation to it. Besides, that I created what you are now''

''Created?...What..?'' I was even more confused, maybe I should have stopped asking question and followed her into her delirium.

''You are no more yourself as I told you, Even if you think you are still Micaya Javenshore, that man died 5 years ago. He committed suicide after surviving the blade that pierced through his chest and burying his loved one. He wanted to die, but his time wasn't written in the books of the Gods. They denied his death, sending his soul back to this realm, on my side, I was there when they did it. I was angry, you should have been able to meet up with her once again, but it was forbidden.''

''It....no...How, how did you? What are you?!'' My mind was not able to process the fact that she was next to the Gods, was she one herself? Yet, I have no doubt that she could be.

''That is a question for another time, but, if you want to know if I am lying or not, Micaya's and Rose's graves are near the tree he proposed to her''

I closed my eyes, I was confused about all of this. I was dead? No, I wasn't even the man I thought I was. Who was that woman? I felt myself floating slowly. I opened my eyes and noticed I was standing in front of a tree. An enormous tree. Two graves were next to each other. One had a rose-bush blooming on top of it. A thick mist started to form around me. My eyes were watering up as I was reading the graves.

''Here Lie a beautiful flower that never fully bloomed.'' Pain took over my whole body.

The tomb next to her was only saying: A Hero next to his princess. Was that my grave? No, it was the grave of who I used to be.

''Who am I ?'' I mumbled to myself, my fists closing themselves.

A gentle touch caressed my shoulder. It was the black dressed woman. She was standing behind me.

''You are no one.'' She whispered softly

''Then why did you bring me to life? If I am no one.''

''To give you another chance, to get your revenge against whom denied your eternal happiness with your loved one.''

''Who do you mean?''

''My brothers and sisters'' She answered smirking before evaporating into the mist.

Her brothers and sisters...Did she mean the Gods and Goddess? How...? I can't even think straight.

I took a deep breath before walking away from the tombs, into the dark mist.

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