The Reality

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(A/N) ok my readers Thank you Sooooo much for reading plz comment coz if i don't get any comments there is no motivation for me to work faster is there? I don't mind constructive criticism, i want feedback so here's the next chapterand please vote on what story you'd like me to write next!!

The speed was also so exhilarating. I really enjoyed it. The sense of flying by moving my feet. I saw the buildings fly past in a blur. They disappeared as soon as they appeared I saw every type of building pass me by.

Some buildings were run down and boarded up. Tramps and beggars stood around corners and alleyways.

It changed quickly and soon the houses were big and grand with big doorways and servants dotted around the steps and in the first floor windows. People dressed in lavish dresses and coats going for walks in the gardens, I slowed down. I couldn

’t have people noticing my speed.

I saw people everywhere. My throat was stinging again, so soon after I’d killed that woman, only a few hours had passed since. I wasn’t sure how much of this I could stand.

The eyes of the people I passed were full of fear, shock and denial. I couldn’t understand why they were so scared? What was wrong with me? I kept going, kept walking till I was beyond the rich part of town.

It was getting brighter the day was beginning to brighten into a pleasant one, but that could be dangerous. My skin would sparkle and people would see. People were everywhere now, like wasps at the beginning of the year there were few then dozens would appear from no where.

I kept walking, trying to keep in the shadows of buildings.

A market was being set up. There were working class people all around setting up tables and covering them with their wares. The people were all different. They ranged in color, some with deep dark eyes and skin, others pale white with bright blue eyes and creamy colored hair. They ranged in age too. From a tiny baby lain in a sling of rough cotton tied round its mothers neck. To an old gentleman, dressed in a dusty gray suit. He was swathed in deep wrinkles giving him an age maybe as old as his seventies.

There were too many people, too much blood. I could see the blood in them, visualize it pumping around their body. One endless flow of blood. I could see it, a river of bright crimson blood. The smell was irresistible. It was like everything I could ever want and I could almost touch it. I couldn’t, it was immoral, my whole existence was so wrong. I couldn’t help myself.

I saw a young girl struggling with a heavy basket of oranges. A little boy wandered away from her side.

He was so tempting but something inside me screamed no, over and over. Something was over-riding instinct. I couldn’t touch him, strangely, I wanted to but I didn’t.

I heard somebody shouting at the other end of the market. It irritated me and that was it, it was too much for my very limited control. I snapped, My concentration snapped like an old elastic band.

I grabbed the nearest person and my teeth found her neck. They pressed easily through the skin with the slightest bit of pressure.

I heard screams, gasp and sobs all around me. I had been noticed by everybody their panic laid into me and I ran. Faster than before, I climbed the nearest building straight to the roof. I moved so quickly there was no need for footholds. Again my speed and agility was much more than I’d expected.

I sat there panting like a normal human would .

I had left the body behind.

A waste of a good meal, I’d lost her. The taste stayed on my tongue like the taste of a hard toffee. I wanted it so much but I couldn’t go back down. I knew it was just the temptation.

A life worth dying for: book 1: Life sucks! -The Story Of Alice And JasperWhere stories live. Discover now