Chapter 19

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Sabrina's POV:
"You will see." He said getting closer to me. I get nervous and tense up my heart is beating so fast. He starts to lean in and I already know where this is going I like playing around with him so as he is about to kiss me I lean towards his ear and whisper " expect the unexpected." He smirks and kisses me on the cheek before getting up and going into the kitchen. He comes back after about 2 minutes with some drinks just then my phone rings I check the caller  ID and it's the director. "I'll be right back." I say getting up from the couch. "Okay." I hear him say before going into the bathroom to answer the phone. "Hello?" Hi Sabrina! How are you?" Good thank you hbu?" Good and I was just calling to tell you that I emailed you the script last night we will be shooting in about 2 weeks tops." Oh okay thank you!" No problem bye." Bye."I say hanging up the phone. I walk back into the living room to tell Uriah about the great news I walk in and Uriah isn't there I shrug and go upstairs to look for him I walk into my room and he is on my bed again on his phone I swear this boy is addicted to social media. "Hey." I say laying down next to him. "Hey who were you on the phone with?" He asks putting his phone down. "The director he says I'm going to shoot a scene in about 2 weeks." Oh yeah! He called me last night and told me the same thing." "Wow another episode together we are so talented." I said teasing him. "Yeah okay." He says drawing his attention back to his phone. "Why so happy?" I ask curiously. "Because I'm getting so many tweets saying how cute we are together." He says with a grin. "Oh." I say blushing a little. I turn my head so he doesn't notice. "So where do you wanna go today?" He asks changing the subject. "Idk maybe we can just stay here for today." I say raising an eyebrow. "Yeah sure or we can maybe go to my place to watch something over there?" Yeah that's actually a great idea." I say smiling. It actually was a good idea we spent most of the time at my place and I kinda wanted to see his apartment too. "Okay go get your things and pack clothes cause your sleeping over." He said while locking his phone. "Oh okay." I said while charging to my closet and got my book bag and filled it up with my pajamas,tooth brush, clothes, and some perfume. I rushed back out. "Ready to go?" He asked sitting up from the bed  with a grin on his face. "Yes,let's go." I said getting my keys and locking the door. He started driving towards his house it was quiet for a couple minutes when I decided to turn on the radio. "Mirrors by Justin timberlake!" I practically yell. I start singing along with the lyrics. "Hey you sing really good." Uriah said keeping his eyes on the road. "Thanks" I say blushing at his comment. I started to get bored looking out the window so I decided to pull out my phone and go on twitter. I scroll down and look at what Uriah was talking about all these hashtags and people commenting on all of out photos. "Wow people really want us to be together." I say looking at him. "Yeah I told you so." He said giving me a smirk
Rowan's POV:
I was reading my script an noticed that I had to kiss jake short on live tv for the whole world to see. My mouth literally dropped at first I was freaking out but I reminded myself it's just a stage kiss it will mean nothing. Well while I was in deep thought I got a phone call from my cousin Jessica. "Hey Rowan! How are you?" I'm good how are you?" Bad my parents are making me stay with you guys for a while because I've been getting into trouble around here." She says In an annoyed tone. "Oh well don't worry you will have the best time here." "Yeah your right well bye gtg!" Okay bye." I say hanging up. Jessica and me used to be really close when we were younger she is a little bit older than me though I'm 13 and she is 16 years old. She is also kinda of a flirt with boys. Last time I talked to her I was 11 years old and she was going threw her boy stage. She was dating this bad boy I dot know what happened she and him broke up I asked her why they broke up she said I was too young to know. Ever since then I didn't really ouch her to tell me I just forgot about it and that's wen I moved out here and I lost contact with her until I got my first phone. Just then something crossed my Mind last time I checked she had a celebrity crush on Uriah Shelton. "Oh shit." I say to myself Jessica always gets what she wants and if she still like Uriah I don't know what she'll do to get him. I don't want to worry Sabrina when Jessica might have gotten over her crush. I am snapped out of my thoughts when my mom knocks on my door. "Hey honey your cousin Jessica will be staying with us for a while so do you mind sharing a room with her?" No not at all." I say with a weak smile. "Great well I let you go back to what you were doing bye." Bye." I went back to thinking about what Jessica will do if she meets Uriah.

Hey guys sorry I took so long in updating I was having some writers block but plezz vote and comment thank you! ❤️

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