Chapter 3: Pick Up Da Phone!!!

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*Chloe's POV*
We go past the tree looking at all the other things we missed. Not much. Just more rocks and dirt. Yay.

///1 week later///

I stumble upstairs, sore as crap from soccer. I change out of my uniform and put actual clothes on. I look out my window that overlooks the backyard and trail and notice the sound of saws.' Great!' I think as I open my door and race to the backyard to look over the fence and my mouth drops.
Workers are driving around and cutting down MORE of the fig tree! 'It was already cut halfway down!' I think, walking back inside.

" Chloe, what's wrong?" My mother asks as I walk into my room and slam the door.
I FaceTime Lilly. She doesn't pick up. "Come on!" I say, FaceTimeing her again. Still doesn't work.
Just in case she hadn't gotten to her phone in time, I text her that they were cutting down the fig tree... even more.

Literally 3 hours later, she reads my text. When she gets home, we go to the trail with Gavin and Nathan. We start picking figs off the tree and climbing it."Hey guys! Time to come inside!" my dad yells as we get off the tree and walk to the gate.

"Chloe, can we jump on the trampoline???" Gavin asks.

"Sure, G but don't hurt yourself" I say as he climbs up, onto the trampoline.

We all end up doing an impromptu buttbomb challenge, a challenge where we have to bounce on our butts, and whoever bounces longest, wins. Then Gavin grabs his fig and tears it halfway open. Then he bites into it . We all cringe, thinking it will taste completely horrible. But Gavin smiles and says, "it tastes good!"

"Can I have a taste, G? I ask.

"sure" he says handing me the whole thing. He is such a cute kid![that is, until you make him mad!]

I take a small bite out of it. "Actually it isn't that gross!" I say, giving it back to Gavin.


Heyyyyyy! Its Chloe!!! how u liking the book so far??? i would love to hear feedback!!! so, first things first, me and Lilly want to say 3 things.

so, we have this Polyvore account named Chloelly. Polyvore is this fashion app that's really fun. So if u don't have it plzzzzz get it ;) if you do, pleas like and subscribe to me and Lilly's account.

Second, we have noticed that we haven't really gotten many views at all... So if u like our story so far please help us by getting our story out there!

Last I want to know about y'all!!!

1. What is your fav ice cream?[ mines chocolate!]

2. Do u have any bros or sisters?[i have 2 sisters and 2 brothers!]

3. Fave sport???[mines soccer]

4. do u like soda?[YASSSSSSSSS]

5. Fave you tubers?[i <3 Joe Sugg, and O2L]

well, thats all for now,

i love you guys and i hope y'all stick with this story and read it to the end!

-Chloe :)
😀😅😉😍😒😗😜😡😦😫😰😵😁😆😊😎😓😘😝😢😧😬😱😶😂😇☺️😏😔😙😞😣😨😭😲😷😃😈😋😐😕😚😟😤😩😮😳😄👿😌😑😖😛😠😥😪😯😴 your welcome world

Hey guys this is an update (well obviously) but I'm sorry the 4th chapter is taking SO long but I have to remind you that this is all happening in real life so it's gonna take a while to write. Also some of the reasons we are taking forever is because Lilly is on vacation right now and the even chapters are the ones she writes so that's gonna take a while, and also I've been having some family problems lately... So I just wanted to post this update so we don't lose interest or reads. Thank y'all for reading this and I'll talk to you soon!😘

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