Fu*k Kaiden

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[A\N] I been types this up :I forgot to upload it / written right after the previous chapter. Enjoy and Comment !!!!!!


Chapter 20


True P.o.v

Fuck Kaiden

Fuck Kaiden !

It was going on a month that I started looking for him and to be honest I'm tired.

"Stop the car , " I told Sage.

He pulled into a Supermarket parking lot.

"Wassup?" He questioned.

"Bring me to my mom house , I Give up looking for this dude , I need to understand that my kids come first,"I sighed.

"So that's it ?" He wondered.

"Oh trust me , I'm no where near finished. Any man that cause me so much stress that I lose my baby , will face my fiery."

He nodded and started the car back up , he pulled out of the parking space and pulled on to the main road.

It was a quick ride to my moms house since we were only three four blocks away.

Sage pulled up to the house and turned the engine off.

I stepped out the car and pulled out my keys that I had for my mothers house.

I opened the door and held it open for Sage to enter.

I went into the Kitchen and Noticed Kenzie my cousin talking to Harmony.

I smiled as they spoke through sign language , seeing as Kenzie was deaf.

I watched through the door way as my daughter spoke to Kenzie like a pro with her hands.

Gosh she's only six and a half .

"Mummy !" She shouted finally noticing my presence , " Uncle Sagey !" She said running towards us.

I picked her up and kissed her cheek , waving Hi to Kenzie.

A bright smile lite up her face , "Hi Amiracle !" She said , " Hello Sage !"

I'm everyones favorite cousin , Kenzie is the only one I let call me Amiracle.

She's probably the only one who doesn't know about my "Death".

"What brings you here ?" I asked with my hands.

"Oh , I moved to Miami a week ago. My mum said she wants me to finish school down here. So I'm living with your mum till the end of the school year."

I nodded.

"Harmony where are your sisters ?" I wondered.

"Taking a Nap , Grandma went to the Market so Aunty Kenzie is watch us."

I nodded.

"Hey Amiracle ! You cut your hair !" Kenzie said in shock !

"Yeah you like it , " I signed.

"Yes , you look more feminine, I like it very much , " she said also signing it out.

"Thank you !" I signed.

Sage laughed and ruffled up my curls and I glared at him.

I put Harmony down and she hugged on to my leg.

I looked down at her and she smiled up at me.

" Where have you been mum ?" She questioned.

"Playing a game called chase the slimy pig cheater ," I said and Sage busted out laughing.

Harmony screwed me , " Hey you promised no more games !" She said

"Sometimes grown ups lie , and break promises when they don't mean too. I'm sorry I broke that promise."

"Its okay ," she mumbled still hugging on to my leg.

"I like how you said Hi to me , Harm , " Sage said fake offended.

"Hi Uncle Sagey , " she waved.

"No hug ?" He asked.

"Oh gosh , its Mummy time not uncle Sagey time !" Harmony said making me laugh.

"Yeah , okay I'm not getting you no Christmas present," he told her.

"Okay okay I accept your bribe , " she said running to go hug him.

He laughed picking her up.

" I'm going to my room now , it was nice seeing you both ," she waved and left to her room.

The crying begun and I cursed out loud.

I went into the room and of course it would be Kiyona.

She saw me and got so happy as I picked her up from the crib.

"Wassup Ki."

She smiled.

"Oh my gosh , oh my gosh !"I yelled excitedly.

"What ? " Sage asked walking into the room with Harm.

"She's growing teeth !"

Sage rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me ! Watch when your daughter grows teeth. Your gonna be all excited and ting."

"Mummy I have teeth , " Harmony said confused.

"I know , and their nice," I laughed poking her cheek.

I made two bottles and gave one to Kiyona letting her hold it.

"Mummy they can crawl , " Harmony said.

Oh nice , I missed my twins first crawl.

I placed Kiyona on the floor and she sat up to drink the rest of her bottle.

Grey sat up in her crib rubbing her eyes.

"Hey sleepy head , " I picked her up and placed her on the ground giving her the bottle.

She put it next to her and began to crawl and I smiled.

"Ah , my baby moving doe !"

"Shut up ," Sage said and I gave him a death glare.

My phone buzzed and I reached in to my back pocket.

I screwed my phone.

"Sage , " I showed him my phone and his expression resembled mine after looking at the screen.

The Fuck after looking for this niggah for a month and three weeks he called me out the blue ?!

The Fuck was Kaiden on !

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