Love Like Ours

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Drug Queen

Chapter 27

Love Like Ours

Sage P.o.v

It's not Illegal to Fake your Death. But it Is illegal for the life insurance collected after a persons death when that person is still Alive. Fraud!

"Aye drop me at my house. Camisha just texted me we need to talk," Zion said sounding scared as shit.

" Damn you still with that poison Cousin? Tell her tell her bitch ass cousin I want my gun back," Reese said.

"Yes, I'm still with her. It's been a good month." Zion said proudly.

"That's what's up ! You settling down with us grown folk. No more hoe every other night. Bout time niggah!" I said as I pulled up to a red light.

"Yo did you hear me ? My GUN I want it back!" Reese said annoyed.

"Give up on that gun ! Shit !" I said laughing.

"Nah, for real guys ! She said we need to Talk. Didn't when ever Nora or Shelly tell ya that shit they would go off on y'all for no apparent reason?" Zion questioned us Seriously.

"Yeah. Only cause she wanted me to buy Diapers for Erica or she just way too fucking emotional because she got pregnant back to back." I replied finally leaving this long ass red light making our way to Zion Crib.

"See after this Kid born ! I'm not having no more ! I swear me and Shelly gon adopt because she out of hand when she pregnant. Just go off on the littlest things I swear! Cursed out the girl who work at the dollar store cause she said we was talking to long and she was giving me the eye ! I swear we was talking about how much change I was receiving back." Reese said and Zion and I busted out laughing.

Shelly is something else. The few times I talk to her while she was pregnant she was just way to annoyed by everything.

" So should I be worried ?" Zion asked.

"Did you do something wrong ?" I questioned.

"Nah, not that I'm aware of."

"Then you safe." I told em.

We pulled up to his house around ten minutes later.

"Alright , I'll call you when True mum gets the phone call from the hospital or the police."

Zion nodded and jumped out my car closing the door behind him.

I nodded at him and waited for him to go inside his house before I pulled off.

" Drop me home niggah , I need to be with Shelly. The baby is overdue and refuses to leave her mum. So yeah she's in the worst mood ever cause her body is tired and she just wants that baby out of her." Reese said and I nodded.

I dropped him home and then was on my way home.

I pulled out my phone and called Nemo and asked him if everything was looking good at the moment after what happen only six hours ago.

" Yeah , Messiah moved all his merchandise and burnt the warehouse down. Police have no Clue , they think it was an accident. And Kaiden's body was found in an alley way seven blocks away from the scene."

" Wait what ? Who put his body there?" I asked confused.

" My guess, Messiah."

" Alright man imma hit you up later."

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