Gargoyle!Mike x Siren!Reader x Naga! Vincent

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(Y/n) POV...

I was swimming around in the water but then I heard something fighting up on the shore... I swam up to see my friends Mike and Vincent. Mike was the Gargoyle and Vincent was a Naga we were really close friends. I yelled. "STOP "!!! I then turnd human and walked up on shore Vincent and Mike stopped fighting and said. "Sorry (Y/n)" . I giggled and said "it's okay just stop fighting" I then asked. "Why were you fighting"? They blushed a dark crimson red and said. "We were fighting over you"...

Vincent's POV...

I saw (Y/N)'s beautiful face turn red she then looked down and said. "Why would you fight over me"? I sighed and said. "Because we both LOVE you"... (Y/N) blushed a deeper red and said. "I love both of you but I don't know who I love more"... Mike walked over and nuzzled her. I got mad and Wrapped my tale around (Y /N) and kissed her cheek and put my chin on her head. Mike growled and pulled her away from me and hugged her like a teddybear...

Mike's POV...

I hugged (Y/N) and gave Vincent Dirty looks. I hated him so much. (Y/n) Yawnd I then saw it was getting dark. We all went to Vincent's Cave and slept in there (Y/n) kissed my cheek and then Vincent's and said. "I love you BOTH the most"... then fell asleep me and Vincent cuddled with her and fell asleep as well...

Vincent & Mike's POV...

We woke up... She was GONE!!!

No ones POV...

(Y/n) was out of the cave picking apples. Then Mike and Vincent ran out and saw her they sighed in relief and Tacked her in a hug. (Y/N) giggled and kissed them both on the cheek Vincent yelled. "DONT SCARE US LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN"!!!! Mike then yelled. "WE THOUGHT WE LOST YOU AND YOU WERE HURT OR KILLED"!!! (Y/N) said. "Okay I won't do it again". They all then went in the cave and ate Apple's!

A/N sorry this one sucked but I really couldn't think of anything for this oh and it was requested by SociallyAwkwardPony

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