Chapter 8//collage!

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"TAYYYYYYY"I screamed from upstairs "WHAAAAAT" Taylor yelled back "COME HEREEE"i yelled.He came upstairs "What up lace what should I wear I had a victorious secret bra and Underwear "you have a nice ass" Taylor said "stop" cam said."oh your in here too" Tay said"Guys what should I wear" I asked "what your wearing now" cam said."shut up" I said "A skater skirt and a crop top with wedges" Tay said."damn taylor" cam said."thank you tay"i said,I went down stairs and looked for my skater skirt and Nash and carter and Shawn were watching me I grabbed my skater skirts and went upstairs Tay grabbed a mint green collard shirt and my white skater skirt."Thanks tay" i said "no prob bestie" he said in a high pitched voice.I decided to go to collage next year I'm just not ready for Finland.
Time change//8 months
I haven't talked to Cameron since the breakup,He found a new girl named makenzie."Yo Tay" I said "yo bae" taylor said "ily Tay babyyy" I said "ilyt lacy Claire smith" Taylor said.Me and Taylor got together 7 months ago and I feel much happier with my Tay Bae!"lets visit Cam I wanna meet his girl they say she's a thot" Taylor said "Kay Tay bae"i said.
we got in there cam opened the door and he gave me a hug and Mackenzie had one of his polo shirts on with some shorts that could stick up her ass and go out her mouth.We went inside and I remembered what happened that day when the boys showed up.i remembered I left my skater skirts and I saw Mackenzie looking through them i snatched them including my crop tops and went downstairs.She had a ratchet look on her face and I was looking at her like she was trash probably because she is.When we were down stairs she was rubbing on cams balls and cam was looking at her like wtf she stopped and I laughed looking at Taylor."Well bye" I said "it was nice meeting you" Mackenzie said but I rolled my eyes and went in the car "Bye dude" Taylor said "bye bro" Cameron said."Hey tell that bitch I said fuck you" Mackenzie said."shut the hell up" said Taylor.Taylor hopped in the car and said "Mackenzie said fuck you".I hopped out the car and went inside "MACKENZIE GET YOUR SLUTTY ASS DOWN HERE BITCH" she came running down the stairs I punched her in the face and bitch slapped her "fuck that hoe"and I went in the car.I called Cameron "hey" said cam "your bitch is fucked up" I said "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO" Cam said "I punched that hoe in the face" I said and the line went dead.
Taylor kissed my lips "that's my girl"taylor said.I drove to Taylor's moms house and he said "you wanna spend the night I was 19 and I didn't have to call my mom any more "sure" I said."Hey mom"Taylor said to his mom "hey mom"i said "hey cuties" she said."mom bae is spending the night again" Taylor said.We went in his room and Taylor just started to laugh."What" I asked "you said I punched that hoe in the face" Taylor said laughing.Taylor is just right for me!

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