Chapter 3- Part 2

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(Continues flashback- Danny POV)

"Here's your coffee" I pass it to her. "Thank you." she whispers all to herself, having werewolf hearing I heard it. She timidly takes the cup and sips on it. Silence soon descends over, neither of us knew what to say. I mean what do you say to someone who was going to commit suicide?!

"Introduce yourself you fool!" my wolf all but orders me. "Oh yeah." I mentally replied. Extending out my hand for her to shake "My name is Danny Walker but can call me Danny". She looks to my extended hand and all but slowly lifts hers up to shake it.

"My name is Scarlet Rees but you can call me Scarlet." Scarlet replies with a small smile that somehow manages to tug what's left of my heart strings. I drink in her features, she had light brown hair, green eyes and those plum pink lips. So sad yet so stunning.

"So... What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?" I tried to joke with her. "Ah... Well... Um... I ran away..." she quietly replied.

Suddenly feeling very dumb. "Oh... Well that was a shitty joke." I thought to myself. "Way to make her feel better genius. While you're at it, why don't you ask her also if she's happy with life now too?" my wolf chided me but I ignored him.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but uhm... If I may I ask why? If you don't mind" I stared at her hoping she would tell me, but that's just wishful thinking. She doesn't know me, she not going... "Well seems you already know I'm going to commit suicide. I might as well tell you. Ha ha" she laughs but I knew better than to take her words seriously. I know she isn't bluffing.

"It was really one of those prince and the pauper moments. Only in this sad tragedy. The damsel doesn't' get the prince. It was like every other day nothing special. I was walking back from the market in the evening, down the street to my home until this amazing scent hits me.

It smelt of fresh pine and mint. It smelt so intoxicating that I could get lost in it so I followed the heavenly smell. Halfway through I found where that intoxicating smell was originating from, it was coming off from my alpha.

The alpha was my mate. I was starring in so much love and awe at that moment. Someone like me not even of a beta line or gamma was mated to someone like him and my wolf was screaming in my head like a mad woman in heat "MATE, MATE!" she chants.

I stood there frozen still with my many emotions bubbling in me. He hasn't seen me yet because he too like how I was just moments before was locating for that same intoxicating scent.

The moment the scent ended on me, his eyes soon follows and lands on me. I felt the fire blazed through my whole body as he stares at me like prey. He probably felt the same as I too so shamelessly drink in his whole appearance like a thirsty man to water. He looks at me with that same intensity of love and care I was also projecting at that moment. Everything was sealed. It was like we were looking into each other's souls. I could feel our bond forming and our wolves calling for each other. I never felt so alive at that moment. It was amazing I could feel the sparks erupting all over my body and we haven't even touched yet. I was so happy I finally found my mate. My other half. I was swelling up with joy.

Everything else faded into the background and we the main stars. Only him and me. We were just standing like that for a few minutes. I was greedily taking up his features, burning every detail into my memory even... Strong jaw line, short dirty blond hair, his pink lips and most of all. Those blue orbs of his. They were the deepest blue I have ever seen.

Like an open book I saw everything through the window of his eyes.

Love, lust, happiness, excitement but it didn't last long...

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