Cabin Bunks - 5SOS

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Grace's POV:

I crawled into my bunk- as it was 11 at night. I was at summer camp, and they didn't really let me stay up anyways. It was Thursday night and I was exhausted from running around and screaming all day. It was fun- but also really tiring. I can't imagine coming here all 8 weeks. I quickly fell asleep.

*next morning*

"Good morning, girls." A heard my counselor say. The lights flipped on and I grunted and took a deep breath. I sat up quickly. A little too quick in fact. I hit my head on the top of my bunk. Hard. I rest my head back on my pillow and groaned. "C'mon, Grace you gotta get up." My counselor said. "Owwwww..." I muttered.

I slowly got out of bed and tried to make the world stop spinning. My head was pounding and I was 48% sure I had a concussion. I placed my hand on my head and hissed as it hurt where I placed it. I was probably being a baby- so I didn't tell anyone.

It was about 7:40 in the morning and my cabin was headed to breakfast. We slowly walked out of our cabin and towards the dining hall. The morning sunlight hurt my eyes as I tried to block out the sun. I could feel myself swaying a little as I walked- the world wouldn't stop spinning.

I felt someone grip onto my arm. It was one of the counselors for the boys cabin, Ashton. He was also the leader of the paddle boarding skill. He was pretty funny and cool to hang out with. We had played Bullshit together with his other friend/ counselor Luke when the skills had gotten rained out- which I am horrible at. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked. I nodded, cringing in pain. "You sure? You seem a little off." Ashton asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe just a little dehydrated." I said, deciding that was a pretty believable story. I mean we were out in the hot sun all day, it was practically impossible to not get dehydrated. "Do you want me to take you to get some water?" He asked. I shook my head. "I'll just drink some at breakfast." I replied.

"Alright, I hope you feel better, we still need to beat Luke at bullshit when it rains." He laughed. "Yeah." I replied weakly. My head was throbbing. I somehow made it through breakfast without collapsing. I didn't touch my food though. I caught Ashton looking at me weirdly. "You're sure you're okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Just not hungry." I replied. "Alright." He said incredulously.

It was soon announced that we would be going on the ropes course after breakfast. This wasn't going to be fun. I stumbled back to the cabin and put on my sneakers. I messily put my hair up in a loose braid so it wouldn't tug on my head, and headed out to the course.

Today we would be rock wall climbing. "This is going to be awesome!" One of the girls said. "Yeah! I bet grace over there couldn't make it up halfway though." I heard one of them whisper. "You're on." Another replied. Oh great, just what I need. Girls being bitches about me and I was pretty sure my head was exploding internally.

I decided that despite the pain I was in I had to prove them wrong.

And that, my friends is how I ended up waking up in the infirmary.

"Owwww..." I groaned in pain. I slowly opened my eyes and found the bright lights blazing down back at me. "Good, you're awake." I heard an Australian accent say. A guy with dark brown-pretty much black- hair, chocolate brown eyes and tan skin leaned over me.  He was wearing a white t-shirt with black skinny jeans with a stethoscope around his neck- a little different from the professional doctor look. I kinda liked it. "I'm going to shine this in your eyes, can you look up at the ceiling for me?" He asked. I did as he said. "What's your name, love?" The guy asked. "Grace Bently." I replied. "Nice to meet you Grace, I'm Calum. I'm the on call doctor here. Can you tell me where we are?" Calum asked. "The infirmary, I think, at summer camp." I replied. "Okay, great." Calum replied, writing something down on a clipboard.

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