I never knew if he wanted to say anything to me...

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Christian p.o.v
After that awkward little moment I had, I really got sleepy and of course I fell asleep, next to Alice. My mind was somewhat awake and I randomly got flashbacks of the things Bob has done when random problems pop up. This cat... It's way to smart, he always know how to fix problems. He's up to something perhaps I'm not 100% sure what he's up to, but he has something in mind...

Alice p.o.v
I woke up, a bit frightened remembering of what happened last night and I'm not sure what I did when I was asleep, hopefully I didn't do something weird, then I have to pardon myself to Christian for my awkward actions and he might think I'm weird... But anyways I started slowly turning around and I saw Christian, sleeping next to me... I guess he put me over here after I knocked out awkwardly... After a few seconds I slowly started standing up, of course not trying to wake up Christian or anything. I started walking my way to Bob he was also asleep... How cute both of them silently sleeping, I gave a warm smile but I felt like I was blushing to hid my face in my hands until I felt like my face was normal again... How awkward, I remember I brought a bag with me also it had a sweater of mine, I always bring an extra sweater just in case. I took off the sweater I had and changed. It was about 10 a.m. I look out the window it was pretty nice out so probably I can go back home and not be a bother to Christian anymore... I got my things and left it close to the door.
"Oh, before you leave why not have a-a small breakfast *yawn* " Christian said.
I kinda jumped a little I didn't knew he was awake.
"Uh... I don't want to be a huge bother to y-you any longer, n-no need t-to" I replied not looking at his direction.
"It's n-no bother r-really"
" I'll-I'll take the offer I-I guess" I said while slowly turning around and looking up at Christian with a warm smile.
Me and Christian helped each other make some breakfast, with soft music playing so it'll be less awkward...
After eating and having small talks and cleaning up, I deiced to leave. So I got ready and got my things and also Bob. Christian was finishing a cup of tea so I decide to get close to the Door, make a little note and I looked at his direction.
"oh uh.. Christian... I-I thank you very m-much for h-having me... A-And helping me and-and Bob... I really really appreciate, i-it a lot... " while I was talking he made his way to me, also looking at the floor.
" I really never h-had anyone do such things l-like you did... And-and I'll l-love to-to keep in touch with y-you... And-and repay you with-with a c-cup of tea or-or coffee... Or anything... I-I owe you a lot..." I grabbed his hand and left the little note I made, I looked up at him and I noticed he was...blushing.
" It-It was nice meeting you.."
I opened the door, stepped out, but I stepped in the house again and gave a small kiss on Christian's cheek when I stepped out I gave a quick glance look up at him he was blushing ever harder and I have a small smile and waved bye. And left fast.... I'm not sure why I do most of the things that I do...
But I forgot something... I never knew if he wanted to say anything to me...

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