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I spent the rest of the afternoon sat on my bed just reflecting on what had just happened. I wasn't sure if the girl I'd just met was dangerous to me - a shoplifter and a missing child. She certainly didn't look like a criminal; her enticing chocolate brown eyes and the sweet smile that constantly light her face seemed to lead me in the opposite direction. The thoughts confused me for a while and I decided not to ponder on it too long.

"Ally! Come down for dinner!" My dad shouted upstairs

"I'm not hungry tonight dad." I replied

"No problem." He answered, with slight concern in his voice

I pulled out the scrunched flyer from my pocket and re-read it as many times as I could until the words felt heavier and longer, and I fell asleep.

I woke up late that morning, still thinking of Stevie, the mystifying subject of my thoughts and dreams. I decided not to mention the flyer to her and see if she would bring it up, then I would know that she could be trusted.

I picked up my phone and typed in her number and thought for a long while until finally deciding what to say.





I dialed her number and the second my call came through she picked up.

"Hey." I said shyly

"Hey Ally, what's up."

"I was just wondering if you... Wanted to go out on..." I began to choke on my own breath

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go on like a... A... Ugh I can't nevermind."

"Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" She finally intervened.

"Yeah something like that." I replied, unsure on whether or not she was okay with that

"That sounds great. In fact I would like that a lot Ally Hills."

"Is dinner at Denny's okay with you?"

"Dinner at Denny's is perfect." She replied, finally soothing my nerves.

"Well I'll see you there at six then."

"Okay see you at six." She replied

Stevie hung up and I leaped off my bed in celebration. I had a date with my princess charming. It was already 2:00 pm so I only had four hours until showtime. But it was a matter of minutes until I began to worry. The adrenaline from the phone call wore off and I started to become concerned about what I would wear and what time was fashionably late or too early.

I rushed around the house all afternoon putting on clothes and stressing out about everything I hadn't planned. I wanted it to be perfect, I wanted to be Stevie's princess charming. I was ready by 5:45 and a horn honked outside, I ignored it, presuming it was for my sister but then it repeated and I leaped out of the window and slid down the roof.

Stevie sat grinning in a black convertible, clothed in a short, beautiful black dress. I hopped in beside her and she kissed my cheek,

"Good evening, lady!" I said

"Good evening, why lady though?" She asked laughing

"Isn't that what you are?" I replied smiling

"Yeah but why not just woman?"

"Well you're too classy for that, you're more than that, you're a lady."

We both laughed and she hit the gas, sending us speeding down the street. I clutched the dashboard as she swerved across the narrow lane.

"Did you ever get your license." I asked, panicking

"Of course I did silly. Why so rude?"

"Because you have a very interesting technique of driving."

"Why thank you." She replied jokingly

We pulled in at Denny's and she clutched my hand, pulling me in after her.

"I can't wait." She insisted

"Me neither." I said smiling

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