The end of us

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The crowd went silent, and even the headmaster dropped his mic and glared at us. The man clambered onto the stage, standing between us with head held high.

"Stevie, we're going home." He muttered sternly
She lowered her head, worried eyes glued to the stage. There was an intense moment of silence. Her father gave me a deep and intimidating stare.
"No. She's not. You're nothing to her." I pronounced through a clenched jaw.

Without blinking once, he continued to glare in silence.
"So what do you have to do with her, why do you care?" He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

The crowd gave me an inpatient stare.
"I love her." I said calmly, he raised his chubby, pink hand, and clutched my face, smiling, but soon let go, giving me a hard slap. "This thing that you call love, it's fake." He muttered

Stevie finally lifted her head, revealing her tear drenched eyes and dripping makeup. She gave her father one long stare before slipping off her heels and running off the stage and out of the room. The crowd muttered, unsettled.

Stevie's dad grabbed my wrist and pulled me out through the crowd, the headmaster tried to yell after us but his voice was soon saturated by chatter.

He dragged me outside, from where I watched as Stevie speeded away in her convertible. I stumbled after him, frozen by the breeze.
"Why don't we go to my house and discuss this like adults?" He suggested, with wide bloodshot eyes.
"Sure." I muttered, coldly, following him into his miniature car.
"Oh, you won't be riding in the front seat." He mumbled, before throwing a heavy punch at my face. I fell to the ground, and my surroundings began to darken until all I could see was the man's dark eyes, and evil grin. Finally all was dark and I lay still over the cold cement.


I woke up tied to the man's radiator, a place that I'd been before. He sat at the table before me, and light a cigarette, from which he took a gentle breath, and exhaled a thin stream of smoke which meandered towards my face.

The radiator whined loudly and I flinched, the boiling water passing through and burning my back. The man stood up and walked towards me, his leather shoes clicking over the old wooden floors. He leant down, cigarette in hand, and tapped it against my knee, burning a hole in my jeans and stinging my leg.

He continued to pace around the house in silence, until sitting through in the next room and pouring himself a glass of whiskey. I began to fiddle with the rope tying me to the radiator, and managed to loosen off the drunkly tied knot, sliding out and slowly standing up.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket. I picked up.
"Hello?" I whispered
"Hey, Ally, we need to talk." She said, with the cars in the background making it hard for me to hear her.
"Stevie are you driving?" I asked
"I can't do this anymore, you're getting dragged into my life and I'd rather have you heartbroken than dead. So it's..." She began, suddenly, I heard a crash on the other end of the line, followed by a shriek.
"Stevie? STEVIE?" I whispered into the phone. But there was no reply.

My hands shaking, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and wandered across the cracked wooden floor. On the tall, dark table sat a gun, the one that I had previously pointed at Stevie's father's head. I picked it up and quietly crept down the hall.

Sat at the kitchen table, the man grinned, I pointed the gun at his head, but his grin just widened. I lowered my aim
"I knew it, I knew you wouldn't dare, that's why I don't approve of this kind of love, there's no brave man to save the day." He chuckled
I suddenly remembered all the times that he'd hurt me, and imagined how much he'd hurt Stevie, as I lifted the gun.


Author's note: Hey folks! I know... I know... It's been a while... But school got in the way of writing this fanfic, so please accept my apologies for my tardiness. This was going to be the last chapter but I've decided to extend it by a little bit. Anyhow thanks for the reads, votes, comments and patience for my lateness! xxx

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