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Sanyukta was blushing like an newly bride... She was reminiscing their moments... The intense gaze of randhir created havoc in her senses... She saw all the insecurities... Jealousy... Possessiveness... Love.. Care in his eyes.. The way he's eyes were oozing lava with the mentioned of karan's name....

Her dreamy session was disturbed by knock on the door.. It was Aisha.. She came out after changing it and paid for the same dress in which randhir hated to see her....

Vivaan informed her that randhir already left as he had some urgent work... Sanyukta told them to go on dinner date and Karan will drop her at home..

She knew why he left from their... She was feeling bad too as she's giving him pain but she's doing to make him realise his love for her before its too late...

All the way Karan was making plan with a big smile on his face and sanyukta was listening him... She felt so blessed to have Karan as her frnd.... They already reached mansion and Karan was looking at her thoughtful face since 10 mins.... Karan came out and opened her side's door and tap her shoulder thus breaking her trance.. She came out with tinge of moisture in her eyes...

K - what happened..? (Panicked)

S - thank u so much Karan...

K - for what...

S - you know what Karan.. You're the best.. You have such an selfless heart. You're so pure and honest just like an lil kid... And so mature when it comes to relations... (tears in her eyes)

K - ssshhhh.. Meri tarif rote rote q kar rahi ho.. You can do that with a big smile also na(wiping her tears)

S - am so bad na... Just to get my love back am using you.. Am so selfish Karan...

K - no... You're the best... And you aren't using me so don't say that ever... You're more selfless than me...

Actually I always wanted to be an actor.. So this time am playing an Cupid hero.. My life is an blockbuster movie with different phases of mine.. (Wink)

S - you're such an idiot... Itni serious topic me bhi you're cracking jokes... (Laugh)

K - yeah.. I like this smile of yours.. Keep smiling.... And yeah you really suck when you acts like nirupa Roy ...

Sanyukta hugged him and Karan welcomed her in an bone crushing hug....

Karan had tears in his eyes but he wiped it off before she could see it.. Yes he love her and will do anything to see her happy with her love that is randhir....

Sanyukta had tears of happiness and an smile on her face...

One soul witnessed everything from his window and broke the glass which he was holding in his palms... He didn't listened anything but he saw tears... Laugh...hug....

Sanyukta broked the hug and chipped him goodnight and came inside the mansion... She ordered the chef to reheat the dinner.... She went to her room and changed in her casual loose wears... She saw dining table empty and went to call randhir in his room...

Randhir sensed her presence and immediately closed his eyes.... She knocked once than twice and finally opened the door and saw him sleeping.... She came out of his room and randhir was disappointed as she went out without even trying to wake him up .....

Sanyukta asked attendant whether he had his dinner or not the attendant replied in no... She again came inside his room and called his name once but he faked a slumber...

She sat beside him and caressed his hairs or rather playing with his thick shiny hairs... She was adoring his face in awe.... She gave a quick peck on his forehead and again tried to wake him up but he didn't moved a inch...

She knew he's hell beyond angry now..... A saline drop came out from eyes and fell on his hands... She came out from his room And went to her room thus skipping her dinner too....

Randhir had dreamy smile on his face which turned into frown instantly cause of that saline drop...

Why she was crying... Why my heart felt a squeeze with that pearl drop... Why my life revolves around her only... Why can't i see someone else caring for her .. Why i feel bad when Karan address her as 'MY SANYU' .... Why i feels suffocating when she hugs Karan ..or cries in his arms... When he wipes her tears... Why i feel like to hide her from the whole world... Why she's with Karan when she loves me.... she should with me not with Karan.. But why she should be with me when i don't love her... Or do I...? Why I feel so possessive about her... Is it truth?? Do I really love her.? No I cNt love her am just protective cause she's my friend...

Randhir was fighting with his inner turmoil.... And thought to take a look at her once before going to bed... When he was passing by corridor he saw attendant taking the food with him... It looked untouched... He enquired them and came to know that she skipped her dinner... He sprinted downstairs and plated the food on plate and took with him in her room.. He mentally cursed himself for behaving like an idiot... He knew she skipped her dinner cause of him...

He opened the door and switched on the lights... Tears stains were visible on her face... He couldnt stop himself and kissed her eyes one by one and softly called her name to wake her up...

She woke up with jolt and straightened her frame properly.....

S - tum yaha... Need anything?

Rd - yes ... I need to feed u... I hate when you skip your meals...

S - even I hate when you skip your meals( pouted)

Rd - chalo now open your mouth...

S - am not hungry.. Am sleepy ...please lemme sleep....

Rd - shut up... Open your mouth( glared her)

Sanyukta opened her mouth like an obedient kid and chewed it with an puffy cheeks... She took a morsel and placed it near his lips.. But he refused it by saying he is already had his food...

S - please last time... Wese b tomorrow am leaving only... So this is our last dinner together.. (Smiled)

Reality kicked randhir and made his senses numb.... The thought of sanyu leaving him startled him completely.... All his rational thoughts were running in his mind....

S - are ... Open your mouth...

Randhir opened his mouth and gulped the food without any expressions on his face... They finished their dinner in silence.... Randhir left from their without uttering anything....
Sanyukta banged her head on pillow....
The next day was going to change their life forever....

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