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Sanyu didn't knocked on the door and pushed it ajar, as soon as she stepped inside she was pinned to the wall. A loud gasped escaped from her mouth. She saw his blood shot eyes in the darkness filled room and felt a sharp in her chest....

"You don't love me anymore sanyukta?"

She heard his deep husky accusing voice..

She didn't uttered a word as she was feeling guilty, but she had to do this to make him confess his inner feelings..

"How can you do this to me?"

His grip on her wrist increased but she didn't flinched instead she masked her emotions, because she knew this is the only moment for which she was waiting....

"What are you talking about, wat I did to you?"
She looked straight in his eyes..

"Don't act innocent sanyukta"
He hissed

"Am not acting randhir, I don't know what are you talking about.. Either be clear or lemme go Karan is waiting for me in the car... "
She spat back.

The name Karan was enough to awake the beast inside him. He left her one hand and held her face and captured her lips in an fiercing kiss. The kiss was far from gentle and sweet. It was of dominion, resentment, hurt, passion, jealously, possession and LOVE.

He was sucking, chewing and nibbling her lips with his teeth...

Sanyukta was too numb to react to the kiss. The feeling was alien for her. She herself didn't knew when her lips started to sync with his lips...

Randhir was trying to part her lips with his tongue but she denied and pushed him away from her... But Randhir strode back to her and caged her between wall and him again... He touched his forehead with her and inhale her sweet vanilla scent...

"YOU'RE MINE, Did you hear that, YOU'RE MINE"

He said in firm rather commanding voice....
Her heart skipped a beat.. It took her moment to absorb the words...

"Say it sanyukta that you're mine, SAY IT.. Say that you will not marry that bastard Karan..."

His eyes turned darker with every word... She flinched with fear..

"Why do you think am yours? Why I should be yours when you don't love me, And who the hell are you to tell me that I should not marry Karan... I am gonna marry him soon and that's the reality... "

She said gritting her teeth...

Randhir grabbed her shoulder furiously and pulled her dangerously close to him...

"I don't know what is love, I only know one thing that you're mine, no other man can touch you, no one can call you as 'HIS'... I have every rights to touch you, to feel you, to kiss you, to make you laugh, to soothe you... I can't see you in someone else's arms it makes me feel like breaking those arms...every inch of your cell belongs to me.. You belong to me... You call me possessive or jealous or mad but this is true.... I can't see you with Karan or any other guy.. I can't live without you... If all this feelings are the symptoms of disease love than yes I Randhir Singh Shekhawat is madly in love with you sanyukta agarwal. Please don't leave me.. I won't be able to breath ... I've died every second whenever I saw you with Karan.. Please say that you still love me... Please say that you're mine, LOVE...."

Sanyukta was in tears, the tears were of happiness and love. Finally she got to hear those feelings of him... She have waited for this moment.... She was happy that she broke the wall and got him and his love...

Randhir was looking into her eyes for his answer.... The silence was killing him.. He was afraid what if she didn't love him anymore, what if she started loving Karan... He wanted to break something to calm his mind, her silence was indicating his defeat...his loss..


The words died in his mouth when she captured his lips in an passionate kiss.....

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