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Randhir was sleeping like an baby n her lap wrapping his arms around her waist Like he was afraid she'll just vanish when he will wake up from his sleep... He was mentally exhausted, all his past..his fear made him so vulnerable... Sanyukta cocooned his baby in her arms to absorb all his pain.... Few hours ago the man of her life was crying like an lost child in her arms... She couldn't help but burst out crying again...

She remembered the way he was shivering with the pain when he was talking about his mom... Harsh loved renuka before marrying his mom(sheila)... One day his mom came to know about harsh's extra martial affair and she couldn't bare that his husband cheated on her and she gave up her life leaving the responsibility of randhir on harsh and renuka... Since that day randhir considered both of them murderers... But he loved Aisha and parth more than his life..

Sanyukta was still not able to believe whatever she heard.. Something was missing... A main link was missing... She knew harsh and renuka... And harsh was an loyal husband... A caring son and an protective father.. A man like him can't cheat on his wife.. And she have seen love and care in renuka's eyes for randhir.. A mother's eyes always speaks her heart...

If she wanted to heal his pain than she needed to confront his parents... She wanted to join all the links.. She knew they are not totally at fault... Now by hook or crook she will take him with her to Delhi...

Two days later

Randhir and sanyukta were in the flight..... Sanyukta convinced him to come to Delhi with her... Randhir agreed to her demand as he wanted to sort out the problems between her and vardhan sir... He said he won't live in the mansion but in the out house she reluctantly agreed... As its said 'something is better than nothing'

Randhir dropped her to vardhan's house flopping an wet kiss on her forehead followed by her nose... She gave peck on his cheeks lingering her lips for longer before pulling away...

She saw him going and instantly she felt cold and alone.. Her eyes welled up as she realised how much important he is for her...

Randhir closed his eyes feeling so void... The warmth of her gave him peace and now he is feeling so lonely without him... He smiled as he knew he can't live without his lady love...

Sanyukta was determined to confront his parents tomorrow when randhir will not be around... As she knew he would hate it and probably won't let her go to meet them....

Someone witnessed their blooming love and smiled with the pride...




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