My eyes were still filled with tears. I looked just like a clown to except with smeared makeup. I will never forget this day. The day he broke my heart. Out of all the people in the world this had to happen to me. Now i do want to move, away form this awful place full of depression. My mom knocked on the door, so i told her to come in.
" Are you ok" she asked politely.
" If by ok then do you mean really upset because my boyfriend moving to France, then yes" i said with face in my pillow.
" Well, thats not even close to what i meant, and why is Sam moving to France, you looked like you had the time of your life when you came back" she said sitting on my bed and rubbing my back.
" Well i did have the time of my life and i recieved some news while we were having fun that he was the prince of France and he only goes back if there is a war going on, and lucky me his country is dealing with the biggest war in Europe and they need him back" i said still crying " i mean their country cant just take him away from me like that, France must be a really selfish country, cant he refuse and let his parents go".
"Its not selfishness its his duty to his country and thats just his job and every child needs to with at least one of the parents and maybe he wants to go and its not like he chose to enter the war" she said sincerley.
" Well then I want to move back with you tomorrow" i said hopefully.
" I'm srry but I'm afraid you will have to finish the school year, we already talked to your principal and teacher" she said making me sob even more.
" Why???" i said to her.
" I'm so srry but there is nothing i can do" she said patting my back and leaving the room.
" Thanks a lot!" i yelled as down the hall as she left.
I cant believe this, life is so not fair. I cant wait to leave this place and start over. I will miss Lexi a lot but i will find someone to replace her and I will find a NEW BOYFRIEND so much greater more trusting and more handsome than Sam. Uggghhh I hate even thinking of his name it disgusts me. Not only does it do that but it makes me kinda of miss him. Wait what am i saying i hate him now I'll tell him tomorrow that we r officially over and say that he shld imeadiatley change his status on Facebook back to single. Well i think thats just about everything i need to do or say to him. Oo wait I'll have to give him all the stuff back that I've had over the years. (except the expensive stuff like jewelry) Tomorrow is going to be a jam packed day. I..........CAN'T...........WAIT..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading the next chpter it was a little longer than aal the other chpters i think:) The next chpter will be up as soon as possible!!! I'm open to ideas bc im pretty much writing whtever im thinking and soon i will run out.
OOOOOOOO and plzzzzzzzzzzz vote and comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Day You Broke my Heart(ON HOLD)
RomanceAn 18 year old girl is experiencing her first break up and wants to get some revenge before she moves. But something very tragic happens to her ex before she reallly gets to talk to him. So she tries to save him using her powers and turning him into...