I was walking up the big hill to school since neither of my parents could drive me. As I reached the top of the hill I cought up to Lexi.
"Hey Lynz what's up" she said cheerfully as usual.
"Well Sam is lying to me about this so called war in his counrty so he has to go back which means he is leaving me for a while, he told me he loved me" my voice started to crack " and he just broke my heart" i cried to her, putting my head on her shoulder.
" Omg Lynz why didn't you tell me sooner, I could have totally helped" she said not comforting enough.
" What am I going to do" i shaking my head.
" Well I think you should confront Sam and get the truth out of him" she said snapping her fingers in a Z-formation.
" Lex this isn't a joke I'm going through a love crisis"i yelled at her.
" Well your not the only one in a love crisis, Justin keeps getting me to many expensive gifts" she laughed.
( Justin is her boyfriend)
" Wow Lex just when I thought I could count on you" I said walking off.
" Come on Lynz you know me I'm just like that, I'll try harder" she said.
" Well I can confront and then we will see how it goes from there" I said as we arrived at our school.
It was our luch period so i started to look for Sam. I spotted him in his blue lame Tony Hawk T-shirt sitting with a group of his friends. I pulled him out of his conversation.
" So you know how you said that you were moving to France" i said with a smirk on my face.
" Uhh yea" he said confused.
" Well how exactly did your country enter the war with the biggest guard station a country could ever have" I said now grinning.
" Well umm you see........." he said with a nervous and what should i say next face.
"I can't believe you would lie to me like that, well actually I can now that you have, but how and were are you moving without a war going on and if you want to make any other excuses that the war is real then I know your lying because I did some research and there hasn't been a war since the late 1800's" i finished.
" Lynz I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't it would break your heart" he said hoping I would take that for an answer.
" Don't you think it's a little to late for that" I mumbled.
" Do you really want the truth" he said even more nervously.
" No i just confronted you for nothing" i sarcastically told him.
" Well the truth is......."
Don't worry there is more:) Just reminding you to vote
" Well spit it out" i yelled at him.
" I have another girlfriend that lives well not here" he told me.
" You were cheating ono me the whole time we were dating even when you told me you loved me, you make no sense, you tell on girl you love her and date another gorl at the same time" i said completely confused.
" You know how we were having that fight and you said that you had another boyfriend" he said.
"Yea" i said trying to be less confused and upset.
" Well I was so emotional and angry that i decided to go get another girlfriend, so i road my limo to a whole bunch of different towns to keep my mind off of you, I was sitting in a cafe and i met the watress and she made me feel better and was my age and single, but she lives in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania" he said explaining it all to me.
" Are you serious I was kidding about the boyfriend to make you jealous" I cried.
" I am serious and since I new you were moving i thought it would work out perfect, then you called and said you weren't moving until school was over so I had to come up with something to cover up the fact that I was in a sense cheating on you, but I really am moving today to Pennsylvania to be with her because i thought you were mad at me and never wanted to see me again so that's when I told my parents I wanted to move and why I also gave you the best day of your life with me" he said looking me in the eyes with sorrow.
What I'm trying to say in this part is he is dating another girl because Lynz was moving and she said she had another boyfriend so Sam got mad so since Lynz was already suppose to move he thought he might as well move in with the girl he met. And I'm srry if you still don't understand that.
" Wow Sam I can't believe you, what kind of sick mind is floating inside of that head of yours" i yelled at him, slapped him, and lept with tears streaming down my face.
Wow I think that was a long chapter too:)
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz vote and comment and also some ideas for the story
The next chapter should be up tomorrow no promises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Day You Broke my Heart(ON HOLD)
RomanceAn 18 year old girl is experiencing her first break up and wants to get some revenge before she moves. But something very tragic happens to her ex before she reallly gets to talk to him. So she tries to save him using her powers and turning him into...