Chapter 7

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Zinnia's POV

My alarm clock blares its screechy little annoying noise in my ear and I just kinda push it off my nightstand. It silences when it hits the floor because it's now unplugged. I open my eyes and groggily get out of bed. I check the time on my phone. What the hell!! It's already 8 fucking 30!!! I literally grab the first band t shirt that I see which is a purple Panic! At The Disco one, a pair of black ripped skinnies, and my black converse. I hurriedly straighten my hair and do my usual dark makeup. Right when I finish, I hear a car beep from the driveway. I run downstairs and outside to see Pete waiting in his car. I hug him and get in the car. "So are you going to tell me who you're recording with?" I ask him hopefully. He just shakes his head, chuckling at my excitement. He drives to the studio and I see around eight other cars in the parking lot. I'm literally shaking with excitement.

We get out of the car and I grab Pete's microphone for him, since he is carrying his bass. We enter the building and Pete walks to an elevator. I follow him and we go up to the 5th floor. When the elevator doors open, I hear a very familiar voice. Pete leads me to a door and I enter behind him. We're in a sort of suite for multiple recording booths. In the first one, I see the rest of Fall Out Boy. They wave. I look in the other booth and almost choke on my water. Alex fucking Gaskarth is in the recording booth with the rest of All Time Low. They're playing Somewhere in Neverland. My gosh, they're playing my favorite song by them. They finish the song and exit the booth. Jack sees me and smiles. "You must be Pete's baby girl! I'm Jack!" He says engulfing me in a bear hug. I feel like I'm going to faint. He lets go of me and laughs at my expression. "I'm guessing you're a fan of All Time Low." He says to me. I nod my head, my mouth still gaping open. I hear lots of noise coming from the other side of the door and it bursts open, revealing OH MY FUCKING GOD!! It must be my day!! Brendon Urie walks in laughing, followed by Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, and Jon Walker. Then none other than Vic Fuentes enters the room after him, followed by Jaime Preciado, Tony Perry, and Mike Fuentes. And last but not least, the one and only Kellin Quinn walks through the door, followed by Jake, Gabe, Jesse, and Justin. I'm in complete and utter shock. Justin is not only here, but he's also holding Copeland, Kellin's baby girl. They see me and smile. "Is this your daughter Pete?" Kellin asks smiling kindly at me. He nods, smirking at how I'm reacting to my other three favorite bands. Four other people come in and I assume they're the managers. "I'm Kellin." He says shaking my hand politely. "I-I'm Z-Zinnia." I stutter, blushing. "There's no need to be nervous. We're just some guys making music." He says to me sweetly. That helps a lot with my shyness. Vic walks towards me, but Jaime runs up to me, beating him. "Hi I'm Jaime and I love tacos and burritos!" He shouts childishly.

I laugh and shake his hand, he pulls me into a hug. After he lets go of me, Brendon walks to me. "I'm Brendon..." He says shyly, scratching the back of his neck. I smile at him and extend my hand for him to shake. He looks at me with those chocolate brown eyes and smiles ever so slightly. Everyone else introduces themselves to me and then they each file off to their own recording booths. Before Kellin goes, he turns, holding Copeland. "I can't bring C Quinn into the booth with me, so would you mind holding her?" He asks me, hopefully. "I would love to hold Copeland!" I say almost giddily, taking her from him. She looks up at me and gurgles. "Awww. Aren't you adorable. You've got your daddy's eyes." I say to her. She giggles and stuffs her hand in her mouth, looking at my face, observant. I smile at her and she laughs. I laugh and she goes into a fit of hysterical giggles. Then I hear Kellin start to sing. "Look Copeland, your daddy's singing for you and mommy." I whisper to her. She turns her head, looking for her dad, and when she finds him, she giggles. He sees her smiling at him and he smiles his Kellin smile.

I hear Patrick start singing and smile at Pete. He smiles back and continues playing. I look down at Copeland and feel one person sit down on either side of me. I look to my left and see Alex. He smiles and winks. I look to my right and see Brendon. "You don't really look that much like Pete, Zinnia." Alex says close to my ear. I jump, causing Copeland to squeal in excitement. I hold her, protectively and look at him. "You haven't seen me smile." I say mischievously. "I bet it's a beautiful smile." He says, causing me to blush and look down. "Andy says that too..." I mumble, blushing even more. I can't believe Alex Gaskarth is flirting with me. "Who's Andy?" He asks interested. "You know Andy Biersack... Black Veil Brides... My boyfriend." I say to him. He looks at me, surprised and sighs. "He's a very lucky guy." He says. "Zinnia, could-could I have your number? You seem really cool, and I like your shirt." Brendon asks me shyly. "Haha sure Brendon!" I agree happily, taking a pen off of the table and writing it on a piece of paper. He smiles at me and I beam at him. "Oh, I see Pete now. You've got the Wentz smile." He says, blushing. I blush and look down at Copeland.

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