Chapter 13

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Monica's (Zinnia's mom) POV

My baby girl is pregnant. It's like she's practically reliving my life. Dating a rock star, getting pregnant at a young age, leaving him... I hope that everything will be fine. I walked by her room last night and heard her talking to someone on the phone, I'm guessing Andy, and it sounded like they were making up. Good. I don't want her baby fatherless.

Flashback to 18 years ago

I look down at the test. Shit, how can this happen? Why me, why now? Pete's just getting started with his career, and we're only 16!? I can't tell him, he won't go through with the band when he finds out. One night. One time of many. Why were we so stupid? How could we forget protection?! I take out my Polaroid camera, and snap a picture of the test. The picture develops and I take my favorite sharpie, a silver one, and write on the bottom "September 21, 1994. Baby no name.". I go to tell my parents the news. My dad's going to be so disappointed. I walk downstairs to find my parents sitting on the couch together, watching tv. I walk in. "Mona, what's wrong baby?" My mum asks seeing my tearstained face. "M-mommy, I-I'm having a b-baby." I cry. She looks at me, shocked. My father looks at me with fury in his eyes. "That faggot of a boyfriend got you knocked up?! You're never seeing him again! NEVER!!!" He shouts at me, raising a hand to hit me. I flinch back. But the strike never comes. "George! She never meant for this to happen! Don't you DARE hit my daughter!" My mum yells at him. "We're moving ASAP. I don't want you in the same town- no, same state as him!" He bellows. He gestures for me to go upstairs and pack, and I run upstairs before he gets too angry. I pack as many clothes as possible into my suitcase, getting another bag to put other things in: my CDs, posters, pictures, everything that I hold close to my heart. The last thing I pick up is the one thing that I will always love the most. The necklace that Pete got me this year for my birthday. Which just so happens to be our anniversary. I know, how odd that he asked me out on my birthday. Well, let me explain.

I met Pete in 3rd grade. We soon became best friends, and in 8th grade, he asked me out as a birthday present. I said yes, having liked him as more than a friend since 6th grade. The necklace holds three charms on it. One, is a sterling silver circular disc with the words "Forever and always my shining star". The second one, is a golden star. And the one in the middle is a locket that, instead of having pictures in it, has an inscription. "I love you infinity.". A single tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. I finish packing, and my father comes into my room. "We're moving to Springfield, Massachusetts on Friday. Your friends can come over to say goodbye. Don't tell them where we're moving, and don't even try to contact Pete in any way." He says sternly to me. I nod, looking down. He exits the room and I find a pen and paper. After I leave, I know Pete will come here looking for me. So, I decide to write him a goodbye letter and put it in a spot that only we know. The loose floorboard under my bed. I get ready for one of the hardest things I've ever done. I write:


I know that by the time you read this, I'll be gone, moved away. Where, I cannot tell you or else you'll no doubt come and try to find me and my dad will find out and I don't even want to think of what he'd do to me then. I'm not leaving you of my own free will, my dad's forcing me. I want you to remember all of the time we spent together from our first meeting, to our first kiss, to our first time. I love you with all of my heart, and it kills me to write this, but it's best if you move on. Please, for me, as my last request. Move on and live a happy life. I want you to tour the world with Pat and Joe and Andy. Keep them in check for me. I want you to live your dream. Know that I'm beyond proud of you. You have done the impossible and become the exact thing you want to be. You're going to save people's lives with your music. I know it. I love you forever and always.

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