July Thirty First of Twenty Fifteen

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Most Dearest and Angelical Claudia,

I would first like to apologies, yet again, for my tardiness. It is not that I do not find you important or unworthy of my explicit time. Instead it is out of my own foolishness and untimely celebration. An important anniversary came upon our calendars and I decided to, untimely, have some "fun".

As such I inadvertently passed out by the liquid of life with the cup spilling into the drain. When I came to, I ,abashedly, could not remember what time nor day it was. With the curtains drawn and a mess I was lost in time. The beauty of chaos lay out in front of me, adulterated and amazing. Alas though your beauty could not be challenged even as I peer at all the joy in my vicinity with glossy eyes. It was a marvelous scene. Not for a lady such as yourself but for a low life commoner as your truly.

But never fear, for your purity is slowly descending onto thy self. It is for this that I am a changed changing man. For the better it is why you are my light, my only love. As a suitor vying for your hand I would like to leave you with a final message of my intent.

When you are seemingly alone know I am always with you. When you are scared know I will always be there for you. When you don't know which path to take know I will follow you which ever is chosen.

When you are ready to choose, know that it is already chosen.

Most Fair and beautiful,

Solemn Courtesy

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