Chapter 2: The Necklace

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    "Poem" Kayla titled her sheet of lined paper. "Now what?" She thought to herself. Well, she could write about her old school. Or her old cheer team. Or her old friends. Or her-

    Kayla let out a sigh and put her head on the table. She tried to push her homesick thoughts out of her mind as she listened to the calming sound of everyone else's pencils busily writing. She focused on the pencils, since she didn't know the faces. A blue pencil, a yellow pencil, another yellow pencil, an orange pencil... Maybe Kayla could write about pencils...

    For some reason everyone was slowing down their writing. Maybe their hands were cramping. Not the orange pencil though. The girl holding it looked vaguely familiar, and Kayla felt like she knew her, but from where? Must be déjà vu. The sounds of the many pencils slowly faded into only one as all but the orange pencil stopped writing. Was the teacher about to say something? Nope. His position was almost identical to everyone else's, crouched over the table with his pencil halfway through a word. Puzzled, Kayla turned her glance to the orange pencil girl. She was close to finishing the page, working quickly with her right hand. With her left, she clutched a small clear gem that hung around her neck on a silver chain.

    Orange pencil girl finished the page, let go of the gem, and stood up, scanning the room. She was tall, blue eyed with longish blond hair. When she made eye contact with Kayla, she waved. "Kayla, right?" She asked.

    "Yeah. What's your name?"
    "I'm Katherine" She paused. "Come on, let's go" Katherine ran out the door
    "Wait!" Kayla called, chasing after her. She had so many questions. Why did everyone stop moving? Where was Katherine going? How did Katherine know Kayla's name?
    Kayla was losing Katherine. It wasn't long before they came to a flight of stairs, and Kayla didn't know which way to go. 50/50 chance she would go the way Katherine went. It was up or down. She took a deep breath and started down the stairs...
    It might not be Katherine, but it was someone. A short blond haired girl stood in the hallway of the 9th/10th grade classrooms. She was wearing jean shorts and a green tank top, and she was anxiously looking around.
    "Hey, do you have any idea what's going on here?" She asked Kayla.
    "No idea. I'm Kayla, and you are..."
    "Jenna. Have you seen anyone else yet who isn't frozen?"
    "Well I just saw this girl named Katherine, and she was going somewhere, but... I lost her" Kayla replied sullenly. Jenna's eyes lit up. "Well, let's go find her!"

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