Chapter 4: Green

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     I wasn't really listening to the lecture (on the water cycle, I think) as I stared at the clock. It started to slow down. "Finally!" I thought as time came to a stop. Jazzy, sitting directly behind me, tapped my shoulder. "Rachael" she whispered. "Is it just me, or did time stop?" I grinned to myself and turned around. "Yep, it did. And you don't have to whisper, nobody can hear you". Jazzy raised her eyebrows, amazed. I stood up. "Come on, let's go!"

     "Go where?" Jazzy said.

     "The meeting spot"

     "Wait a minute, what's going on here? Did you stop time? And how? And also, why did everyone else freeze but not us?" Jazzy was clearly confused.

     "You'll see..." I replied in a mysterious voice, complete with jazz hands. Haha, jazz hand? JazzY? Get it? Get it? I smiled quietly to myself. Anyways, Jazzy followed me as we made our way up the stairs. We left the 7th/8th grade halls and emerged on the 9th/10th. When I saw Katherine, she hastily grabbed ahold of my arm and I grabbed my Green Crystal.

     "Jazzy, grab my arm!" I shouted through the green light that rapidly surrounded Katherine and I. Jazzy just stood there, shocked, as if she'd never seen anyone teleport before. Oh wait, she hadn't. As we faded away and the hallway became brighter and brighter, I thought I saw Jazzy lunge for us, but if she did it was too late...

     The sound of Katherine and I popping onto the roof was like a balloon popping. "We'll just go back and get them later" Katherine sighed. "How did it go with Jazzy?"

     "Pretty good I guess. What about Kayla? And have you seen Nicole and Kaelyn yet?"

     "No, I haven't. Hopefully Jazzy and Kayla will meet up with them."

     "Should we go check on them now?" I asked as Katherine stared into the distance. "Yeah, def-"
Katherine's eyes widened and it looked like she had spotted something. She took a sharp breath in and started to talk in a low voice. "Rachael, we're being watched. Let's get out of here. Hurry". I looked around worried as I grabbed my Green Crystal and teleported as fast as I could, Katherine nervously clutching my arm...

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