Chapter 7: Taken

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I shot awake when I heard a loud noise outside my bedroom and a deep voice cuss.

My heart practically stopped. Who the heck was in my house?

Were they robbing us? Did they know I was awake? My throat felt like sandpaper and my stomach was doing flips. I started to breathe heavily.

I wanted to turn the light on so bad... So bad... I was frozen in fear, too afraid to move.

I wanted to scream but I felt faint and weak at the prospect of whatever was outside my door.

SLAM. A man came through my door. I panicked and started to scramble, my mouth speechless.

This can't be happening...

He was holding his arms in front of him, like a hawk lunging for its prey.

I tried to run. I tried but I couldn't go fast enough, in the dark, with this creature behind me.

Just as I mustered the strength to let out a scream-

A strongly scented cloth clamped around my mouth and I felt dizzy. The already blurry darkness faded to nothing as my thoughts dissolved into oblivion.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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