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Jerome's p.o.v.
Outside I could hear the pack scream I rushed outside to see Mindy my ex then Mindy yelled"why Jerome do you have flame and rain here" she bolldy asked "who is that" I asked "mitches sisters"then all of a sudden I see d.j. and Amy glowing.

D.j. p.o.v
I looked outside and saw markuses girl to get our powers I have to tell Amy so I did "Amy Mindy's hear want to kick some but"I asked and said"hell yes" so we rushed down and saw Mandy tourchering the guys with wipps
Me and Amy started to glow our powers our taking control of us I then tell Mindy "to leave my family and brother alone or else" then Mindy just looked at me and then my sis and then we saw Mitch being tourchered since Amy had healing powers I told her to go and heal so she did.

Amy's p.o.v.
I went and healed everyone and it drained mosted of my powers so after I was done I tried to help flame(d.j) then Mindy found My source of power and then out of know where it goes black.

Hi guys

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