chapter 7:♥What has happen to my heart♥

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                          Your eyes and your sweet words have  stolen my sleep and my heart


Samiha Pov

-Mama,is everything alright,i asked her  as she sat on the bench in the bakery shop.

-I think you need some rest, i will look at the shop today,i said as i brought some water for her.

-No don't worry beti (my child) im all good,it's all because of the heat,she said as i handed her the glass of water.

-You don't seem to be alright,it's better you go home...

-Samihu darling,she cut me off,you don't need to worry about me,she placed her hands on my shoulders,i'm still young and strong,

-But mama...

-Samihuuu merey bacha (my child) im all alright,see i got many orders for today,so the chef got some work to do,she winked at me as she walk to the kitchen.

Oh God,what am i going to do with her.Always working,at time i think she has work all her life.Since the time we moved in here,she open that bakery shop and spent all her days in it,inventing new recipes.

-Mona,take care of her,i said to the new  worker who work along with my mum.

-Don't worry miss,i'm here,she said,all smiling.

-If anything,do call me,

-Yes sure.

-Mama,i called out as i enter the kitchen,

-Yes baba,she replied busy with her  baking  measurements,

-I'm going,take care of yourself, i kiss her cheeks and dust off some flour from her forehead.

-Enjoy yourself my bublu,she said as she pinch my cheeks.

-Ouchhhh mama that hurts,i exclaimed as i rub my cheeks.

-Oh my bublu dublu,don't overreact i know you got nothing... so eat on time,don't jump around too much and most importantly enjoy yourself and no need to worry about me,i'm fine.

-I will call you every 5 mins,i said,

-Oh god...i'm no more a 5 year old child,i can take care of myself and please you are going at the beach,appreciate the moment and yes,she murmured,do find me a son-in-law,

-Mama!!,i shouted,what's wrong with you!!,i said as i take  my bag from the counter.

-What!!what wrong did i say,this is the best time,

-Please,i cut her off,i'm not interested in those things,

-Hai Allah (oh god)then i'm sure i'm going to die without seeing my grand children,

-Mama,why do you always talk about dying, i hug her,you got all life in front of you,

-Same for  you my darling,one can't live alone all her life and if you like someone do tell me,this is the best age to get married,

-Mama!!,i glared at her,i got no time for all these things,

-Ok ok baba,i won't mention about marriage,

-Take care then,bye,i kissed her forehead and walked outside.

-Asalamwalaikum,enjoy and do think about what i told you,she waved at me.

-Yes,yes,walaikumsalam and take care,i  waved back as i closed the door.

What do all desi mamas have with weddings!!! why are they always in eager to see us in the wedding gown!! but anyways i can understand my mum at times,all parents want to see their children married before dying.

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