Chapter 8:Shall We Meet Again,If God's Will

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Samiha POV

-wait in here miss,we are consulting your mother,said the doctor as he pointed towards the various seats.

-Please tell me doctor,is it serious?,i asked him.

-I hope not,he replied before he closed the door to the room where my mother was laying,maybe fighting for her life.

-Ya khuda,please please,i beg of you,save my mama,i murmured as i sat on the bench outside the room.

-I'm sure everything is going to be alright,said Fatihu as she hug me,believe in Allah,he is going to make everything alright,

-In sha allah,i said between tears as i hold on to her.

-Be brave,i'm sure your mother is going to be fine,here take this,said Hamdan as he handed me his handkerchief.

-Thank you for bringing us here,i replied as i wipe off my tears in his soft mouchoir.

-No need to say thanks,you are all my friends and friends always help each other when in need,he smiled as i handed him his handkerchief back and he put it back in his pocket.

-How is she now?,i ask the doctor as the latter walked out of the room.

-Thank God,she is fine now but her blood pressure went high thus causing her to have a minor heart attack,but no worries we need to keep her under observation for a few days and hope that she will get better by then,he said.

-Thanks Doctor,can i go and see her?,i asked.

-be patient my girl,she is sleeping now when she will wake up then you can go and meet her,

-thanks again doctor,said Hamdan as he shook the hands of the doc.

-no need to,are you a member of family?come we need to talk,he said as he took Hamdan with him and they walked away.

-ya ALLAH ,thank you,thank you so much,i cried out as i sat back on my seat.

-chachijaan is a brave woman and alhamdulillah she will come back as strong as before,said Fatihu as she hug me.

-thanks in sha allah,i said as i hug her.

Minutes later..

-what did the doctor said ?,asked Fatihu as Hamdan came back.

-well nothing to worry about,your mother just need to do some tests and rest for some days,he said as he came to sit besides me.

-thanks again Hamdan,

-Oh no need to,you already said thanks to me a million times today,he smiled at me.

-miss you can meet your mother now,she is calling for you,said a nurse as she came of the room.

-thanks,i said as i rushed into the room.

-ya khuda,i murmured as i saw all these machines connected to my mama who was smiling to me even though her eyes were half closed.

-mama,you scared me,i said as i kiss her forehead,how are you feeling now?,

-oh beti everyone has to die one day so...,

-don't you dare talk about dying,you still have soo many years to live on,

-Oh no beti,i feel like i have only few days left ,

-please mama don't talk like this,it hurts me,i said as i rested my head on her chest,how will i live without you,

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