chapter twenty: Kuro

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"Watch it Kuro." Liana scolded, as the two of us walked, down the dark halls of the zoldyk estate.
"Sorry, just this maid outfit is a little long." I apologized my eyes sparkling once they caught glimpse of, a certain dark hall.
"Lets hurry, snow ball is waiting!" I shouted tugging on Lianas dress.
"H-hey." Liana protested, while I dragged her down the dark hallway.

"Lets save snow ball!" I shouted once more, whilst running at the same pace. Dragging Liana along with me.
"Stop shout-" Liana got caught off, as the two of us slammed into a wall.
"Oww!" Liana and I complained in unison.
Rubbing our heads, I looked up as my eyes widened.

"Go-" I got caught off, by Liana covering my mouth.
'should I lick her hand?'

"Eww kuro!" Liana shouted realising her hand from my mouth.
"Hahaha!" I giggled before being interrupted by Gotohs fake cough.
Liana and I turned our head to the butler.

"Yas?" I asked cacasually. While Liana facepalmed
"Come with me." Gotoh replied in his normal emotionless tone.
"Ok!" I said excitedly while Liana nudged me, making me fall over in the process.

'Wow the world is spi-' I caught my self off from my daze.
Once my body hit the cold stoned floor. "Oww!" I whinned looking up to see Gotoh and Liana. A couple feet away from me.
"Wa-wait up!" I shouted running towards the distanced figures.


"Wow this room is bigger then in the anime." I mumbled to myself, glancing around the room.
"Please sit." Gotoh stated calmly.

Both Liana and I did as told sitting on the couch. The room held nice paintings.
'I wonder where killuas room is, I want to steal his chocolates~'
We now sat in the butler's quarters.
"Why are you here?" Gotoh asked, coldly. Dangit he saw right through our disguise.

I told Liana we should have dressed up like chocolates. But no, she thought being a maid sounded better.
Gotoh glared down at us, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Wow was he really this tall?" I spoke out loud. "Ehh, did I say that outloud?"
Liana nudged me in response, a scold on her expressions.
Gotoh keeping the same cold expressions.
"Explain now." Gotoh said coldly. I feel like Canary, during the coin game...
"Well we are here becuase I want killua." I spoke up, making Liana punch me in the side, and Gotoh holding a scold.

"What she meant to say is we are killuas friends and kuro is killuas girlfriend." Liana added. Making Gotoh scold at us both.
The tension was thick in the air, all that was heard was the ticking of the clock.
I could feel the cold sweats running down my neck, the next event shocked both of us.

"Hmm, Illumi samma wants to see you two." Gotoh said holding the door. "What does he want?!" I nervously shouted.
"Sorry that's non of my concern." Gotoh replied, exiting the room, Liana and I following him.
The three of us made our way to a room.

Gotoh holding the door. "Thanks!" I shouted, earning a nudge from Liana "Oww!" I shouted. Earning another scold I turned my head with a pout.
"Keep your voice down, will just behave."Liana whispered
Knowing I couldn't possibly be quite.

Gotoh bowed , "I have brought the intruders." Gotoh said. "Ok you can leave now." Illumi replied
I jumped, just now noticing the tall male that stood next to me.
They didn't pay me any heed while Liana scolded me.
Gotoh then walked towards the door. "Wait, please don't leave us!" I shouted tugging on Gotohs tail coat.

Gotoh turning in my direction. "I'm sorry Kuro chan , but you must let go." Gotoh said pulling me away from him.
Gotoh took his leave, leaving Liana Illumi and I alone.
Who knows what he would do, he might chop my head off, and I won't be able to eat any more chocolates.

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