chapter twenty-two: Kuro

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Omg this is the last chapter people! Please play this song! I have this at the end also.
I'm so happy that I was aable to make an awesome book.

And happy to get ready for the next stories! So shall we begin!

Also, remember, we will have a sequel and prologue! :D


"Wahh, I'm so bored!" I whined throwing my hands up in the air. Almost falling of my seat.
"Hey watch it your about to fall." Liana said sitting in the second seat.

The group of four are now inside of wing sans house, having to sign up for a fight before midnight.
(That rymes)

I tuned out the long explanation and such, since I already knew it.
And distracted by my snow balls fluffy hair. 'Its so fluffy~'. I purred, causing the two to turn around.
"What was that?" Gon questioned, the three of my friends facing in my direction.
"Oh nothing it was me looking at ssnow balls hair.." I trailed off, my eyes traveling to the ceiling.

Everyone else sweatdropped at this action. "Will I well continue now." Wing continued, explaining as I yawned.
"Ahhhh!" I yelled all of a sudden gaining the others attention.

"What's wrong kuro!" Gon shouted running towards me.
"Are you hurt!" Killua ans Liana shouted in unison.
"Ehhh..." I squealed climbing ontop of wings shoulders, "what's wrong?" Zushi asked entering the room.

"My-my.." I stuttered while everyone else stared in anticipation waiting for my answer.
"Your what?" LLiana asked, grabbing me away from the trampled wing.

"My...." I trailed off. "Say it already baka!" Killua shouted, he had a worried and mad expression on his face.
"My chocolates!" I shouted everyone sweatdropped looking dumb founded by this.

I pointed at the seat where Liana was recently sitting on. To reveal my smashed chocolate bar.

"All of that for your chocolates!" Liana sighed.

"It's an important matter!" Killua and I said at the same time.
Before looking back at each other, and laughing. "They are so weird.." zushi mumbled.
"Cute." Gon muttered. " I don't have a comment." I whispered next to zushi and gon.

Making themthem both jump up, just noticing me. "When did you get there?" Zushi asked, as I shrugged in response.
"I have no idea actually.." I trailed off, the two sweatdropped.

timeskip- dun dun dun dun!

"Finally we are done with that long explanation!" I shouted dramatically gaining scolds in my direction, while the four of us walked down the hallways of heavens arena.
"Yeah, I wonder what nen type I have." Liana added

"My chocolates..." I trailed off, gaining killua's attention.
"Oh, kuro! Let's get some chocolates!" Killua said grabbing my wrist and dragging me away from the rest of the group.

"I wanna com-" liana cut gon off, "just let them go, they need alone time." Liana whispered, while Gon nodded.

"Where are we going?" I questioned snowball he turned to face me, still holding my wrist.
"To get some chocolates." Killua replied

We continued on our walk through yorknew city.
Until the two of us came across a candy shop. Our eyes lit up. "Chocolate here I come!" I shouted
Killua and I dashed towards the candy shop, at full speed.

"Hey kuro try these!" Killua scouted the aisle holding a box of chocolates.
He then opened up the box, in the aisle. "Here." Killua said, his cheeky catface on.
I grabbed the chocolate with a delightful face on. "Oishii~" I purred, before a thought hit me.

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