chapter three: Liana

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Hello again, it is Liana now! Thank you for reading this! Review please so we get ideas and know what we have done wrong. But remember, each chapter is a switch off between Liana and Kuro... so... yeah.

We strode into the woods in silence. Thinking of the life we were leaving behind. I mean, who knows whats going to happen to us? Die of starvation or getting kidnapped. Maybe even killed by... something. I don't really know what's going to happen but, I truly hope we have made the right decision.

I looked up at Kuro who was leading the way, she had stopped. "What is it?" I ask her. Which was a pretty stupid question, due to the fact that we were just about to leave everything we have ever known behind. "Um... Where are we going exactly?" Kuro asks, I sweat dropped.

"So, you lead us into the middle of the woods without knowing where we are going?" I accused, exasperated. Kuro nodded, scratching her head a little while laughing a little, "Maybe? Plus, we aren't in the middle of the woods, we are-" She looked around, "Near the park in Windlespond." She said. I looked around, "But do you know where we are going?"

"Yeah," Kuro said, "We are going away from here." She said matter-of-factly.

"You know what," I sigh, while walking in front of her, "Just let me lead for now, at least until we know where we are going." This time it was Kuro who sighed, "So you also don't know where we are going! Eat some chocolate, it might help. Actually, don't eat my chocolate, I want it. Ha!" She laughed.

I didn't respond to that and just kept walking, knowing Kuro was right behind me. Probably eating chocolate. She was as laid-back as ever it seems. The leaves crunched below our feet, multiple times we fell in a little ditch. I now wished we brought a change of clothes with us. The air had the musty smell of the wilderness. If you've ever been in the woods behind your house or somewhere, you would understand what I meant by it.

No sooner than an hour had gone by at the least and finally Kuro said something. "Hey, where are we going?"

I waved my phone around in front of her, she understood. On my phone there was a map, it was pointed towards a mall. It took Kuro a second to realize what I was meaning. "W-Wait, what!?" She exclaimed, shouting as always. "We are going to steal from a mall!?" I put my finger to my lips in an effort to calm her down. "I never said that." I say calmly. "We are just heading there, it takes 30 miles anyways. Which will take a long time. We did bring enough food and water right?" I looked at her, she scratched her head. "Uh, I never thought we would actually get through with running away... I thought we were going to just come back after we got to the edge of the woods, so I..." She trailed off.

I lost it.

"Do you realize that we could die because of your obsession with chocolates!? Do you understand the danger which we are in!? Wh-" Just then, as if listening to our exchange, we heard the roaring of a waterfall. We started running towards the sound. Until we got to a clearing. It was a mini waterfall, or river, if you will.

"Water!" Kuro exclaimed, bending down onto her knees and cupping her hands. "I brought a bottle so-" I cut her off, putting a hand up to stop her from reaching into her bag. "Don't you dare!" I say, quietly. "There are chemicals in it. Dangerous chemicals that could get you sick. Here," I said, reaching into my own bag. Digging past all the chocolates I found a bottle of water I had brought. I handed it to her. "Take it."

"But, what about you?" Kuro asks, looking at me worriedly. "I'm not thirsty. " I held a hand out, "Can you lend me that empty bottle?" Kuro nodded, handing it to me silently. This wasn't like her, but how can it be like her with the situation we were in? I scooped up the river water and then put the cap back on. Kuro looked alarmed. "Hey! I thought you said there were chemicals in it!" As loud as ever, I laughed a bit.

"Yeah, and to get rid of the chemicals-" To Kuro's questioning look I said again, "Well, I read this online before we left." I stopped to make sure she was paying attention, she was. "It said that if you want water and see a river, to get an empty bottle of water and put water in it half way up." I paused, to make sure Kuro was getting all of this. She was a little slow. But she always tends to get a better score than me on tests. May be because I never study.

"And once the sun comes up," I motioned to the dark sky, "Have the lid open to let the sunlight in and," My hand came down. "The sun's light can repel some of the dangerous chemicals occupying the water." I finished.

(A/N I actually learned this in school so remember it!)

Kuro seemed a little lost but after a couple of seconds she seemed to have understood. "Hmm... I th-" She was cut off by a growl. Both of our eyes started to budge out in fear. The growl was of a predator, a hungry, not very nice, predator.

It was a wolf.

Well, to be exact, a pack of wolves. I held a finger up to my lips and in response to the growl I put everything including my phone back in my bag. Kuro did the same to hers. We both knew enough about wolves not to feel fear but, it was inevitable. Kuro then whispered in my ear, "Think of Killua." I automatically felt the urge to laugh. Yep, no fear here. I also remembered what I told Kuro a couple of nights before.

"Whats your favorite animal?" Kuro asked me, poking my stomach. "Hmm..." I say, "I don't really know."

"Aww!" Kuro started to pout, "Come oooonnn! Think!" She giggled, I put my 'thinking cap' on. "Hmm.. then, a wolf." To Kuro's questioning gaze I continued, "They are just so majestic and-"

I had no more time to think as we saw the wolves coming out from under the trees. Call it Erudite knowledge, I crouched down on the ground and lowered my eyes. It might only work in books and shows, but hopefully it'll actually work now. If I recall, it sometimes doesn't work when they are hungry but it's our only, and best choice. To my right, Kuro did the same.

But what then happened, was what dumbfounded us both,

A wolf spoke.

OH! Yay! A long chapter~! Hehe~ Hope you enjoyed.

Chapter By: Liana

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