Deep Longings of the Signs

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Deep Longings of the Signs

Aries: Wishes others will stop underestimating them. People tend to look as aries as immature, hotheaded, like a child. An aries would much rather be seen as who they really are; intelligent, driven, and mature. When their emotions take over, they get put down for it and it hurts them.

Taurus: Wishes to be heard. Tauruses are only stubborn because they feel like their point is not being understood by others. they want someone to listen to what they have to say instead of telling them that they are wrong.

Gemini: They want to have control of themselves. Geminis often feel out of control and run away from problems by distracting themselves. They want the twins to agree with one another, but its difficult when the positive and the negative are constantly in battle.

Cancer: They want to stop worrying. Constantly being paranoid and feeling that theyre wrong in some way destroys them. They feel that someone is against them at all times, even when they know that theres nothing to worry about

Leo: They want to love themselves. they long for the day they look in the mirror and are proud of what they see. They never have a problem with loving others, but deep down, they feel that they dont have enough love for themselves.

Virgo: They long for someone to silence their head. Virgos never stop thinking, analytically and the logic makes them feel overwhelmed. They want someone to allow them to give their heart a chance

Libra: They want someone to reassure them. They need to know if theyre making the right decision. Although they are well balanced, this causes a conflict within them and it makes them full of anxiety

Scorpio: They long for a partner who will understand that they don't mean to hurt anyone. They love so passionately that it can be seen as aggressive and controlling, but that's not their intention.

Sagittarius: They long for true love. Although are known to be hard to tie down, they are deep lovers and see spiritual depth within relationships. They search for their soulmate but often overlooks them by accident.

Capricorn: They wish they can form deeper bonds with others. They may feel heartless and unemotional, when they are actually sensitive. They're afraid of getting hurt

Aquarius: They wish for someone to see right through them. Aquariuses are known to be mysterious, but they wish that someone would understand.

Pisces: They crave love and affection. They want to be nurtured and loved as deeply as they love others. Pisces often feel that the love they give is not mutual, they just want to be accepted for who they are

This is rly true i feel like no one really listens or gets me... I know people listen but...

Idk lol. Bye but TRUe

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