Chapter 18

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I wake up the next morning, and check my phone, and the text message from last night is replaying in my head. I run a hand down my face, and decide to call Brooklyn.

She answers after a few rings. "This better be good Sterling Emory." She says, feigning seriousness.

"What did I say to Rider the other night? And don't say that nothing happened after that song played, because Rider texted me, asking me how he broke my heart. And I swear to you, if you don't tell me, I will not go meet him tonight."

"Okay, okay. Let me come over later and we can talk about it as you get ready. I'll come over after Trystan's." She says.

I agree, then hang up. I'm so very terrified as to what I told him, and I hope I didn't tell him I felt. I will deny it until I die.

I tie my hair up into a bun, and head downstairs to make lunch for the three of us.

As I finish the chicken Parmesan, Mason and Brennan walk into the kitchen, wiping there eyes.

They sit down at the breakfast table, and I decide to be a good sister, and serve them.

They both smile at me. "God I have missed yours and Mom's meals." Brennan says, digging in.

"I don't care where I live, I will fly here every night just to have your meals." Mason laughs.

"Guys, calm down. You still have a lot of meals from me this week." I say, sitting down and starting to eat.

As we finish up, they decide we should go to my beach.

I quickly try to turn down that option. "That beach is always crowded, and I really don't want to see people from my school."

Brennan shakes his head. "Oh, no. We're still going to your beach. Those classmates of yours can suck it. Number one, Mason and me are older. Number two. Wait, that's all we need. Let's go. You've got 10 minutes."

I hesitantly get ready, putting on my Triangl swimsuit and my favorite navy cover up, incase we go anywhere else. I grab my surfboard in case I decide to go while we're there.

When we get to the beach, I see a few people, including some of the junior varsity players at the volleyball court, but I decide against going to critique them on our rare stretch of days off.

I lay out on a towel, my brothers on either side of me, and try to just relax. It doesn't last long when I see a shadow from the inside of my eyelids, I slowly open my eyes to see Kayla standing over me. She gestures for me to follow her, and walks off.

I stand up, kick Mason, and wake him up.

"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back."

He gives me a thumbs up, and closes his eyes under the umbrella again.

Once I walk up to the parking lot, where it's almost deserted, I call out for Kayla. She then emerges with two other cheerleaders, trying to look intimidating. It's not working.

She laughs, just a little. "You sure are stupid, coming by yourself."

That makes me laugh. "Why? Are you going to get some girls to jump me?"

"Have you not learned your lesson? Rider. Is. Mine."

"Have you not learned yours? Last time you told me that, I knocked you out. I don't give two shits about Rider. You would know why though right? Of course you're happy that I want nothing to do with him anymore."

She looks sarcastically innocent. "Are you talking about the dance? Hopefully he explained why he left the gym with me?" She can't even keep the smirk off her face.

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