I was arranged to marry you...

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I woke up the next morning pretty early. Its about 6:45, Danny will probably be up in like an hour or two.

I took a quick shower, dressed in casual denim skinny jeans, white t-shirt with a purple and silver sequence on the shoulders and I wore my hair in a side braid. I looked cute. I just put on a little eyeliner,mascsra, and lipgloss. I hate too much makeup but mom told me look good for 'your man'.

I went down stairs its now 7oclock. I made toast,pancakes,waffles,jelly in a dish with bread on the side, boiled eggs and 2 cups of orange juice. I was done with breskfast by 7:20. I decided to see if Danny was awake yet. I went up to his/our room and saw no onein the bed. I turned and looked at the bathroom door which was attachec to our bedroom and saw him pulling a shirt over his head.

'good morning' I said while in the door way

'morning, your up early, what time did u wake up?' Danny asked

'about 6:45.' I replyed

'do u always wake up this early?' He asked

'not really, only when I go to school. Other then that im up aboit 8 or 10' I replyed

'its saturday' he said looking into the mirror

'yea, well, I dont know, I just woke up' I said sarcasticaly but not rudly

He just chuckled

'Hey, Danny, I made breakfast, hurry before it cools off if you wanna eat' I said sweetly

'Thanks, i'll be down in a minute' he replyed

The doorbell rang 'i'll get it' I said as I walked toward the door.

When I opened the door a blonde girl with black hjghlights, green eyes snd probably about 5'5 was standing tjere.

'hey, ummm....' I said not knowimg what to say

'im ashley, who are you?' She asked not looking to satisfied

'im Dana, what do you need?' I asked plainly

'wheres Danny? DANNY!!!!! COME HERE!!!' She yelled at the top of her lungs and he csme running down

'ohh, its you, what do u want?' He said coldly

'aww, danny thats no way to talk to me, I just wanted to know if I can borrow 50$? I give it back when I get it back.' She said

'Ashley I gave you 265$ already, you never payed back. If I give you 60 will u leave and not come back ever, j dont have to pay back' he said negltiating

'thank you!' She said happy but mean

He handed her the money and she wslked away. I walked to the kitchen and Danny was right behind me..

'Your wondering who it wss arent u?' He askrd me

'Well I know shes ashley...' I said trsiling off. Im not mad. I sjouldnt be. It could be family or a friend. Idk but its nothing to be mad about I think.

'Yea, shes also my cousin, in our family, if you get pregnant before marrige, ur a slut and give jr fsmily a bad name. Our family kicked her out of the fsmily last year beczuse of her pregnancy. Sje never lisyened. Shes my first cousin and I had to help her out. So I gave her money every do often for the babh and her. But now its almost everyday. And if my family finds out they will disown me...' He said while taking a bite of his eggs..

'Its okay, my family is tje same, thats why they do arranged marriges. I knew it was coming but not this soon, I thought,in,my 20 I would be arranged but looks like it happened earlier..' I said

There was an awkward silence, I tjought to myself 'that awkward moment when theres an awkward momenet...' And smiled a little. Im funny...hehe.

'Umm alright I gotta go to work, i'll be back around 6. See you later' he said as he finkshed up his food. He stood up, gave me a wuick hug and walked out. I heard the car and that means he left.

I cleaned up what was left, did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and then cleaned the entire house fast. The house isnt dirty but I felt I should clean. Its now 2 oclock and I have nothing to do. I went to the living room turned in the t.v and watched 'Teen Wolf' on mtv. I love this show but its re runs. So I drifted away to sleep. So far this arranged marrige isnt bad. Its kind of nice. We dont 'love' eschother yet or hate, but give it time........give it time..........

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