Chapter 4

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I had learn quite a lot of stuff.Demons are very skilled cookers, painters, instrumental player, cleaners, and...killers.They can eat human food but despise the taste of it.They love to eat human souls.The darker the soul the better the feeding.They have the ability to manipulate a human as long as there's no contract between them.A demon hates angles.Demon's eyes turn pink when they're mad, hungry, or hear their master call in time of saving.They usually worry about their masters before anything else.They have to listen to their master's every command.They will drink water every now and then.They only desire souls.They can change humans to demons.Demons never fall in love.If they do, they are to speak to Satan himself.Sebastian happens to be Satan's son.What a fucking coincidence.Sebastian's mother is a demon but she was killed once Sebastian was delivered.A demon never ages and they use dead human bodies to blend in.They make the dead human bodies look alive though.Twenty minutes in hell is like two years on earth.Demons can hypnotise you, kill you, and make you feel like you're the only person on earth with just their eyes.They hate when people from a religion speak of god in front of them.Religious people can tell they're demons.They are eternal beings of hell."Ciel?Did you hear me?I said th-.""I know what you said Alois.I was listening."Alois was at the mall today so we decided to hang out."Yea.Claude is so annoying with all the homework he assigns.""Very true."It was Saturday and I was still thinking about everything Sebastian had told me."I hope we have homework in his class because I'll throw a conniption fit."I rolled my eyes as he said this."You'll get yelled at.""I don't care about that rachid demon.He's such a terrible teacher.""A rachid demon?""Its just a joke."I had a feeling that Claude was a demon and his contracter was Alois when Sebastian and me made the contract.Now I know its true."Mr.Phantomhive?"I looked up and saw Claude walking our way.Damn it."Mr.Trancy?"I groaned.Claude took a seat at the table we were sitting at."Teachers and students aren't allowed to be seen together after school.""Its not like I'm gay."I rolled my eyes." you plan on annoying us or something?""Or something I guess you could say."I watched as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose."How's everyone's day today?"I watched as Alois groaned and gave him an evil, cold stare."It'd be pretty good if you weren't here to ruin it."I faked cough to cover up my laugh.It was too noticeable though since Claude gave me a menacing, and warning look.I looked at aloud and saw him smirking."You know don't you Ciel?""Know what?""About demons."I shook my head."Tell me the real reason as to why you're wearing an eye patch."I sighed."I said already.My eye is disturbing to look at.,I haven't been able to buy an eye patch till now."Claude watched us while giving us both evil looks."Do I have to pull the eye patch off?"I held my hand over my eye.'Sebastian please help'.I pressed my hand against the eye patch harder.

~Alois' pov~

I leaned forward to take off the eye patch.Its time to find out what he's been hiding all day.He's such a terrible liar.I can't stand liars.My whole childhood was based upon them.Now I have MY Claude to stay with me.''re hesitating.'I find it amuzing how demons can talk to you through mind communication.'Shut it you damned demon.'I felt my fingers go through part of his hair that covered the eye patch.He pulled back but there's really nowhere he can escape to.I pulled his hand from his eye patch.I wonder if I'll see the 'disturbing sight'.He tried grabbing my wrist but I slapped his hand harshly away.I can't help but to wonder what it'll look like.I used my other hand to pull his chin roughly so his face was a little closer."Time to see what you're hiding Mr.Phantomhive."I laughed evilly.I slid my hand under the eye patch.I heard him growl as I shoved his hands against the table."I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from touching his eye as your germs could give him pink eye and he is a new student."I looked up at the hand wrapped around my wrist.I looked further up and saw it was Sebastian.Claude stood up and gripped onto his left shoulder "I must ask of you to let go of my master."I yanked my hand from his grip and pulled my hand away from Ciel's eye patch.It caused the eye patch to fall into is lap.He hurriedly grabbed it and Sebastian helped him tie it back on.I never got to see his closed eye."What are you doing here demon?""I happened to be about when I saw you trying to mess with a classmate."I chuckled."You're such a terrible liar,"I said."Sebastian let's go,"I watched as Ciel stood up and Sebastian nodded at his command." lord."'My lord?'So my suspicions were correct.Ciel has made a contract with Sebastian Michaelis."Ciel...if you ever want to play with a different type of species, you know were to find me,"I stuck my tongue out at him after I said this.He noticed my contract symbol and shook his head."I don't play with weaklings who feed off of other's personal matters."I watched as he walked off with Sebastian following."Claude...I want him for myself.I don't care what it takes or how long it takes.I want Ciel Phantomhive to become my personal property.""Is this a command my highness?""Yes it is you demon.I order you to get Ciel under my control.I will use him against Sebastian so I can get the both of them.I won't be satisfied if its just Phantomhive."

~Ciel's pov~

I walked out of the mall and looked up at Sebastian."How did you know to find me?""Did you forget my lord?No matter what I can find you as long as you say or simply think my name.""Yes.I guess I did forget.Its not like me to easily forget important things like that."I heard Sebastian chuckle."Its understandable bocchan.""What's bocchan mean?""Young master."I felt retarded for asking but its not my fault I didn't honestly know.I looked at the ring on my thumb.Its blue sapphire color shining in the sun."I'm going home."I walked forward."Would you like for me to accompany you my lord?""What?So you can drink Earl Grey with Tanaka and talk about stuff of unimportance."He smirked."Does it make you mad my lord?""No.I'm not used to the American ways.Its quite annoying watching people talk about nothing.""May I ask a question my lord?""What is it?"I sighed."Are you only used to doing business and not talking about different things bocchan?"I nodded my head."I am rich and an earl so its what I'm meant to do.I was taught my whole life to run a company and not turn my head to when somebody mentioned something other then business."Sebastian chuckled."My lord, its quite halirious to see what lies humans make."I shook my head."I'd rather the truth then the lies."I felt my fists clench."And anyways happieness has been ripped from me.So what's the point in showing fake smiles for disgusting people when its not how I truly feel."Sebastian smirked."Very understandable.Young master."I nodded my head and saw Sebastian's car."Would you like to go somewhere specific my lord?""Home."He nodded and opened the back car door for me.I got in and looked over as Sebastian closed the door and got in his seat.America is so different then London.They're food, they're people, and they're music.I'm still adjusting to the changes.I looked out in the window."Bocchan...did Tanaka tell you the great news?""What is it?""Your fiance is coming over tomorrow to meet you.Elizabeth Midford is quite an extravagant...human.My lord.""That doesn't help.I don't care about meeting my fiance.I wanna look into my parents case.""I will see what information I can collect tonight my lord.""Very well.Is there anything I should do?""How about you ask Tanaka about any ties your parents had here in New York.I heard they used to come to New York quite a lot.Maybe somebody here in New York can help.""Indeed."I looked out the window and saw the trees passing by.I couldn't help but feel so...angry.Why did it have to happen?I wanted to live a normal life.I wanted to be able to smile and hug a mom and dad like I used to.Now, I'm stuck with all this anger and hatred built up for one person.Sebastian seems like the only person I can trust and he's an eternal being from hell.I have nobody anymore.The only one I can trust and allow to protect me is Sebastian.I won't allow him to protect me too much though.I do wanna do things on my own whether that demon likes it or not.I might be short but I'm stronger then I look."Is something the matter young master?""I was just thinking.Don't stick your nose in my business.""I'm terribly sorry my lord.I shall not do it again."I smirked."Better not."He smirked after I said this."Yes my lord.I have never lied to you and I will never do so.""You're the only one who can't lie to me so you better never.""I swear on my entire existence.For I have no reason to lie to you.I worship you and you alone.I am your loyal servant until the end.""And that's how it shall remain."I crossed my legs and continued to stare out the window.I have a demon under my control until the end of our contract.I only plan to use this as safety and help.I will commit to the contract just as much as Sebastian has to.I won't forgive or forget any mistakes made.I heard Sebastian chuckling.He is such an even being.He feeds off of my hatred, my madness, my rage, and my agony."Is that an order bocchan?"I closed my eyes.This is the longest car ride I've ever been in.I let out a low but long sigh."Why must you ask such ridiculous questions?"I opened my eyes and looked in the rear view mirror."I'm sorry my lord.I shall never ask questions like that again."I groaned and put my hand through my hand.It so difficult handling with this creature."Are you alright bocchan?""I'm perfectly fine.I'd prefer some peace and quiet if you don't mind.""Sorry my lord.""Don't apologize over such childish things.""Yes my lord."I sighed and saw houses starting to pass by.I felt my eyelids starting to droop.I hadn't gotten much sleep last night.Due to learning all there is to know about demons.I let out a small yawn."Tired bocchan?""It doesn't matter.""I can wake you up when we get there if you'd like."I pulled my hoody up and rested my head against the back of the seat.Some sleep does sound good and we won't get there for maybe about ten minutes."How long until we get there?""Twenty minutes at the most.I took the quickest and less traffic filled way.My lord."I nodded my head and looked at my phone.An unusual number had sent a text.I didn't bother looking at it though.I slid the phone back in my hoody pocket.I felt my eyelids droop again and forced them opened.Sebastian let out a small chuckle."What is so funny?""My can go to sleep if you'd like."I sighed and looked out the window.It won't hurt if I do go to sleep for just a little I guess.I allowed my eyes to close as I fell asleep.

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