Chapter 12

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"The Prom Queen is... Lidia L!" He said and Lidia walked onto the stage as they placed the crown on her head. Many girls looked disappointed but Wendy didn't seem to care. Sure every girl would've loved to be Prom Queen, but Wendy didn't really care.

"And now for the Prom King... Romeo Conbolt!" Romeo walked up to the stage and then a slow song was placed on and Romeo wanted to roll his eyes. He had to dance with his ex. Great just great. They started dancing but Romeo was far from enjoying it. At the end of the song, Romeo's eyes widened in shock as Lidia smashed her lips onto his.

He pushed her away and gave her a glare. He looked in the direction where Wendy was and saw that her eyes were wide then she turned around and ran out. "Wendy!" He shouted running after her.

Laki pushed her way through the crowd and was fuming. "Lidia! What on Earth was that?! How could you?! How could you do that to the both of them!?" Laki shouted. Lidia shrugged and walked off of the dance floor not even phased by her recent actions. Romeo will be mine even if I have to hurt him to do it. She thought sitting down.

"Wendy!" Romeo shouted following Wendy all the way outside where her back faced him. "Wendy please." He begged getting closer to her. She turned her face slightly and tears streamed down her face. "I was so wrong. I thought you changed but you haven't even one bit!" She said more tears falling down her face.

She turned her back him once again and Romeo hugged her from behind. She turned around and started hitting his chest with her hands. "Let me go!" She screamed. "Wendy, please believe me when I say that I don't have any feelings for anyone else but you. What Lidia pulled back there, I wasn't expecting it. Please Wendy." He said his bangs covering his eyes. Wendy got tired and she just cried there for no reason.

Romeo held her tightly in his arms and Wendy stood there not doing anything, but she had calmed down. "I was scared that everything I felt for you and what you felt for me was fake." Wendy whispered and Romeo pulled away a little to make her look up at him. He wiped away some stray tears that were falling from her eyes and he smiled at her. "You don't have to be afraid that my feelings are fake. Because they're certain that I love you." He said and Wendy smiled a little and hugged him.

They went back in and a good thing that Wendy wasn't wearing mascara or eyeliner. "Wendy are you alright!" She turned around and saw Laki and Chelia come running. "Yeah I'm fine." She said smiling and the two looked relieved. "I think it's about time we go." Chelia said and Wendy nodded. "I'll see you later." She said to Romeo as they all walked out of the school and the three girls went to Chelia's car and Romeo went to his own.

The drive home was silent and Chelia dropped them off at the apartment like home. They went up to their room and took turns going into the bathroom to get out of their dresses. Wendy lay in her bed. Her eyes closed and she thought about Romeo, and then to the graduation that was only a few weeks away.

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