Niall's flat

51 1 3

Anna's pov

I felt someone holding me but, I didn't think much of it because I thought it was Malia.
Then I hear the strange voice to whom was carrying me and my eyes popped open.
It was none other then Niall Horan. I quickly shut my eyes again hoping he didn't notice me awake yet.
I heard him talking to....ME?!?!?! I kept my eyes shut and listened to what he was saying, "When we get back to my flat, I really hope you'll wake up". After a few more minutes to pretend I'm asleep I open my eyes and stare at this lovely guy and he just happens to be Niall from One Direction. How lucky can one girl get?!?!
When we finally get to Niall's flat he sets me carefully down while he unlocks his door and then we go inside.
When we get inside I look around and see that it is not as big as I thought it would be or as richly decorated.
It was a simple but cozy flat that suited him perfectly.

Hey guys authors note here leave a comment if you want more of this story or if you don't. What do you think will happen with Niall and Anna or even Malia and Harry??

Teenage DirtbagDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora