Food with Niall

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                                                                            Anna's POV

"Want anything while i'm in here?" Niall asked. Did he just ask if I wanted food?! hell yeah!! " YESSSS I love food" I yelled. I walked into the kitchen where niall was and he was cooking  but he also had this grin on his face. "whatcha grinning about there?" I asked out of curiosity. "oh nothing special just the fact a girl isn't afraid to eat around me" he replied and his grin got bigger. I laughed at him and said "have you never seen a girl eat 2 burgers a hotdog and 3 plates or noodles?" he looked me up and down with shock then said " how the hell are you so thin then?!" I smiled up at him "high metabolism". Niall laughed an set the table and put the food onto the table as well and said while sitting down "take a seat love and dig in".

I sat down in front of him and started to eat when I realized something, how long will he be in town? "hey niall?" I asked and he looked up confused "yeah? what's up?" I looked nervously at my plate then back up at him "um.. h-how long are you in town for?". He looks at me with soft eyes while saying " like a month or 2 why?" my eyes go big "i was j-just wondering because I like hanging out with you and I was wondering if we could keep in touch and hangout sometimes" he smiles at me "hell yeah a girl that loves to eat as much as  me can definitely hangout with me anytime you want".

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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