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Anna's pov

I rushed to the next table with coffee in my right hand and biscuit's with gravy in the other.
''ORDER UP!" I quickly hurried to the table that had ordered the coffee just minutes before I got sent on a table rush.
Once I finished with my orders, I had one last table to serve before I went home. Since it was my last table I had my best friend, Malia help me out with this one. "hey, Malia , do you think you could grab some plates off the order counter and bring them to table 24 in the back room.....please?"

Malia's pov

Me and Anna finally agreed that if she gave me part of her tip, that I would grab half of her plates. Since I was in a rush to get into the car, I rushed to the counter before Anna got there. Therefore, I get to choose the radio station we listen to on the way home.
When I get to the table I see something odd. There are red ropes around the table that Anna and I are serving. As I step closer to the table, I'm already starting to think of what famous person , or at least someone of higher importance, would be eating at this restaurant.

I set the plates on the next table over to do what I always do when serving customer's. I finally had my hands free, and then I asked them which one of them had ordered what. They each answered one-by-one and all they did was point to their plate.
I guess I didn't notice because three of them never got their meal's. So I called over to Anna who was still behind me trying to balance two plates in her right hand and one plate in the other.

As Anna and I passed out their plates, the brunette one was apparently very hungry. Because, as I reached across the table, he tried to grab the plate from me. As he did so, Anna and I were both very shocked to see a wig fall from his head! As he tried to pull back his hood from behind him, we both got a good look at his face. Anna was the first to notice that it was NIALL HORAN! And also the one who fainted, but before she hit the floor, Niall reached out and caught her.

With a sigh of relief, Niall lays her on the floor. "A lucky one, she is" He then offers to take Anna to his hotel room just till she wakes up. I object to the idea but he cuts me off by saying "we are One Direction remember, we cant be seen going into people's houses without the pap finding out, so ill just take u both to my - harry interrupts " no ill take um whats ur name love?" I answer with "Malia" "ok Malia, i'll take u to my flat because you must be tired".

Teenage DirtbagDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora