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Third Person Point of View
Calum's words reached Luke and Liv's ears, but neither one of them made any attempt at initiating their dare. They sat still almost as if they were incapable of any form of movement.

The atmosphere surrounding the group became thick and uncomfortable.

Although, Luke and Liv are well aware they have feelings for each other, they still worry that the other doesn't necessarily feel the same. And even though they were seconds away from kissing earlier, this was much more intense.

Not only was there pressure due to the added spectators, but it was overwhelming due to the time limit.

Michael and Ashton grew anxious and eventually attempted to get the ball rolling.

"Come on, lovebirds," Ashton says.

"Times a ticking," Michael adds.

Liv gulps as she begins to push herself off of the plush carpet. Once she reaches her feet, she extends her arm to the sitting duck beside her. Without a second thought he grabs ahold of her and pulls himself up.

"We'll start a timer," says Calum.

Luke can feel the sweat forming on his neck as Calum types on his phone. The screen has a seven minute timer displayed just waiting to be started.

Calum's thumb hovers over the button as the two of them slowly make their way over to Liv's bedroom. Even though she's positive this game usually takes place in a closet, she refuses to be squeezed into such a tight space. It partially has to do with her claustrophobia, but mostly because she doesn't think Luke would be very comfortable -- considering he's like 6'4".

The moment the bedroom door closes, Calum presses 'start'. He and the other two patiently wait a few moments before they press their ears up against the wooden barrier.

"You know we don't have to do this if you don't want to," Luke explains.

Liv was currently having a battle within her mind -- she wanted this more than anything, but for some reason she was having doubts about furthering her relationship with Luke.

For what reason, she wasn't entirely sure.

Was she afraid of getting too close? Definitely.

Was she afraid of being hurt? More than anything.

Was she afraid of falling? Absolutely.

When it came down to it, she didn't just have one reason; she had multiple. Unfortunately, all of them had spurred from her previous relationship with Landon, but she had to trust that Luke wasn't like him, and he wouldn't do what he did. So, she decided to let go.

Luke, on the other hand, was more than ready to move further with Liv. He'd had his fair share of heartbreaks and even though they've deterred him before, he didn't want them to ruin this. He couldn't let them keep him from moving on, and if there was anyone he'd want to pursue a successful relationship with, it was Liv.

He looked at her and she looked at him.

"I want to," she whispers.

Her gaze was fixated on the ground, but the moment she lifted her eyes to his, he swears he's never seen anything more perfect.

The lighting in her bedroom was fairly dim which made the green in her eyes seem deeper than ever before. In that moment, they reminded him of a forest and he wanted nothing more than to explore the deepest parts of them, and of her.

She pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth as he slowly walked toward her. As he came closer, she couldn't help but step backward until her back collided with the wall.

His hands found their way to her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.

"Are you sure?" he spoke lightly, his breath gently hitting her face. The smell of cinnamon filled her nose and immediately reminded her of being home during the holidays -- a time and place where she felt comfortable and safe.

"Positive." At the sound of her consent, Luke dipped his head and carefully attached his lips to hers. Even though this moment was a long time coming, he wanted to take it slow. More importantly, he wanted it to matter.

Even though the two of them have experienced serious relationships, neither one of them have ever felt the way they do now.

There weren't any of the cliché fireworks that are talked about in novels and movies. Instead, there was a soothing feeling -- a moment of utter peace.

As there lips moved perfectly in sync and there hands were placed accordingly -- his still on her waist and hers placed gently on his chest -- they melded into each other and relished their seven minutes.

eeeeeeppp :))))

so there's that finally! so sorry to tease you guys + leave you hanging. that was awfully cruel of me, BUT hopefully this was worth the wait :)

oh! and i watched an amazing youtube video earlier and attached it for you guys. it's so freaking amazing and made me cry :') credit: coll is cool

btw any ideas on ship names? i've realized it might not be very cool since they both start with an l :p

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