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I am officially bored. I have read almost everything I want to read. But anyway. I have a stupid title for this chapter. So now after about five minutes I have decided to be a deerataur. Yes I am obsessed with monster falls. 😓 Don't judge. So now that's my icon. It took a while by I have decided to be one. Hey I have a question please answer in the comments below, if you could marry anyone in monster falls besides dipper who would it be? What would your name be? Are you a boy or girl? What monster would you be? What would you look like? (your looks must be in reason if not I may make slight tweaks but nothing major) I need the answers because I am writing a short stories chapter ands you could be in it! But Dipper is mine😍😍😍😍😚😍. So thanks! I promise this will try to be good. And after I write this I can so another one in this... BOOK O RANDOMNESS... DID I SPELL THAT RIGHT? NEVER MIND. I like caps lock. So please answer.

🗾name that object. I am just kidding! I don't know what it is. I think its Hawaii.

🎎I don't want to get married. I want to travel the globe! And be a marine biologist. With a funny crew that has the same interests as me. And the best part is that my friend wants to be a boater or something like that. Its the start of my crew!

So anyway please answer the questions! And... THANKS FOR THE ANSWERS FOR THE BOOK OF RANDOMNESS. bye bye fellow people I don't know the names of.

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